6 # blissful ignorance

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Chapter 6:- Blissful ignorance

"You didn't say that to the dean and get away with it."

"You want a video proof of the conversation?" I heard his deep voice through the phone.

"No but- wait, you actually have the video proof?" I asked.

"I don't, but I can get it, you know." he said.

"Just don't, Alex. Just don't. I'm warning you." I said as sternly as I could. Knowing Alex, he might a well take it up as a challenge.

"If you say so. What are you doing?" he asked.

"Just trying to complete my paper on effects of continuous noise on the subconscious mind." I said.

"One sentence. It fucking annoys you. How the fuck does someone write an entire paper on that?" he asked.

"Just how you write a paper on a seemingly simple semiconductor circuit, not knowing which, will not create a havoc in my life." I replied.

"Semiconductors are damn important. The applications include everything from optical sensors and light emitters to-"

"And continuous noise causes the mental efficiency to decrease and also, has effects on the heart rate and speech defects. Pretty important than a damn light emitter, don't you think?" I cut him off, pleased with myself.

"If it were that important, would you have been talking to me?" he asked.

Check and mate.

"You don't play fair." I complained.

"I play to win." I could hear his smile through the phone.

"When am I seeing you again?" I asked. It had been two days. I missed him.


"How soon is 'soon?" I asked. With Alex, dig deeper. Always, dig deeper.

"It's sooner than later." he mused.

"I hate you, Alex." I said, not meaning it. But, meaning it in the moment.

"Well, you should." he said, without missing a beat.

For a moment, I got scared. I understood Alexander's silence better than his words. His words were cryptic.

"Tell me you don't mean that." I said.

"I don't. Atleast not at the moment." he replied.

"How the hell am I supposed to decipher that Alex? What in the world does that mean?" I asked, frustration rising in me.

"Decipher? You have to decipher codes and mysteries, Norah. I speak simple language." he laughed.

I stayed quiet. Only because I loved the sound of his laugh.

I never liked studying in the morning. I was more of a night owl. But when the nights turned into days, during studies, I almost wanted to give it all up.

That's exactly what I felt at 3:27 a.m.. Tired and frustrated, among other things. I got up from the stiff chair and walked to the window and stared out at the city lights. It looked so peaceful and serene, the city painted in black.

One moment, I was relaxing against the window frame and in the second moment, I almost screamed away from the window. I swore, I could see something...someone climbing up to my window.

In an instinctual action, I grabbed a knife from somewhere in the room and slowly approached the window. I knew that the right thing to do, would be to run out of the dorm when I had the chance, but something in my gut told me not to.

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