e p i l o u g e - 2 # always

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Epilogue 2:- Always

I wasn't counting on Liz taking back Lucas, but I was certainly hoping for it. It was nice to see Norah hugging the life out of her sister, and more so, it was nice to see Liz, in a much better condition than I had seen her in.

Lucas had a hard time wiping that grin off his face and it was sickening me out. I swear, if he agreed to the double date or whatever Norah and Lizza were planning, I was going to knock sense into his infatuated head for good. I liked Norah, hell, I loved her. But, going about the city, standing outside dressing rooms all day, fuck no. Cut me some slack.

"What do you guys think about a full day out? My third semester in this hell is over. I wanna celebrate." Norah declared.

"There are five more to go. And they are gonna be much worse." Lucas said from the other side of the table we were having lunch at. He gave me a glance, and I got what he was up to.

Thank fuck, he hasn't completely lost his mind yet.

On one side I was happy that he was also resisting this double date thing too, but seeing Norah's grim expression, almost made me change my mind. Almost.

"Doesn't mean that she can't have a break, Luke. You seriously don't want me to remind you what you were like in your second year." said Lizza, glaring at Luke.

Norah turned towards me. With one point on each side, my vote would be the winning one now.

With pleading eyes, Norah looked at me, her lips forming a delicate pout. I could sense Lucas boring holes on the side of my head with his glare. Liz was still glaring at Lucas.

I was fucked.

"You know, Norah, how about you and I could go somewhere?" I asked.

Atleast that saved one of us.

"Fine." she said, rolling her eyes and going back to food.

Lucas gave me a cheery smile.

I kicked him under the table.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I asked her the same evening, as we entered her dorm. I don't know why her room always smelt like vanilla cupcakes were being baked at the very moment.

"I don't know. I haven't thought of anything specific. You have any ideas?" she said, removing her scarf as I plonked myself on her bed. My bed was a brick wall compared to this.

"Not many." I replied.

"Are you sure you are not too busy for a date?" she questioned, sitting beside me.

"I just finished my finals, why would I be busy?" I said, pulling her down to me.

She eyed me curiously. "What?" I asked.

"Nothing." she said, placing her hand on my chest, curling herself into me. "It's just that you are quite romantic today. And it's freaking me out."

I pulled her into my arms. "I didn't realize it. What was romantic?"

"You first sacrificing yourself to save Lucas from the double date and now this, cuddling. You know what? I'll check your temperature." she replied.

I chuckled. "You noticed that?"

"Ofcourse I did. But, seriously, are you not busy?" she asked, tangling her fingers in my hair.

"What do you wanna know?" I asked. "Don't beat around the bush."

"How's that project going? The one you were working on?" she asked. I was surprised she remembered. She hated the subjects I liked.

"Progressing." I replied casually. Not wanting her to know that it was tiring me out. Days and nights of work yielded no results. It was getting frustrating.

She nodded. And curled more into me. I always found it amusing when she did it. It was like she was trying to burrow her nose further and further in my chest. Like, finding a way inside.

Not knowing that she already had. A long time back.

She was slowly drifting off into sleep. I could feel it. So was I.

Then, I heard her muffled laugh. "Something funny?" I asked, my eyes closed.

"Yeah. Isn't it crazy that we never kinda dated? Like, we skipped the whole meeting in fancy restaurants and getting to know each other thing. I'm pretty sure the only dates we do are nap dates. When you and me have studied for two nights in a row and are too tired to even cuddle right."

I laughed. "I'd have it this way any day. Fancy restaurants burn a hole in my pocket." Just as she proceeded to sleep again, I interrupted. "Remember the time when I asked you whether I'll be able to handle owning a company or not. And I didn't get a straight answer?"

She looked up at me, expression playful. But, eyes serious. "Excuse me, I gave a very straight answer. I said I believed you could do it. I just didn't offer a very reasonable explanation why."

"Yeah, sure. Like, I'd look hot in a suit can be called an explanation, far less a reasonable one." I taunted.

She rolled her eyes, "You started it."

"I had to. But, what was the actual explanation?" I urged, wanting to know what made her believe in me.

She leaned her head directly over my heart, and said, "It takes patience, Alex. A lot of patience. You know it better than I do. Big companies don't happen within a fortnight. It takes years of work, and too many failures. And I know you have that patience. I know you have what it takes. You can walk through hell, and come out through it sipping coffee. Like, right now, I know there's nothing much coming out of the effort you are putting in. But, you still choose not to be cranky or whiney about it. Right?"

I was a bit speechless. She had really thought this over.

I kissed her forehead.

"Thank you." I said.

"Always." she replied.

Hi there.

Alexander's POV. I'm a day late, but I just couldn't get it together.

I hope the chapter is good.

I'm tempted to do one more epilogue. But, unfortunately, I've no ideas. Tell me what do you guys wanna see.

Thanks for reading.


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