8 # lucky guy

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Chapter 8:- Lucky guy

I was at the track alone again because I was angry at Alex. And that I needed to dig deeper in his life. And there was only one way to do it.

Lucas Rivera.

I didn't care about his frightening persona anymore. Nor did I give a damn about his bet yesterday. I wanted answers. I decided to trust my gut, and trust Alex when he said that he's not the bad guy.

It's for Alex. It's all for Alex. I told myself as I sensed Lucas approaching me.

"Like I said." he remarked, as he came near me. I could smell his cologne. It was strong, very strong. Unlike Alex, Alex had a different scent. It was like you didn't notice it in the beginning, but when it vanished, you could feel it's absence.

"I had not refused to come. I had just said I was unsure." I replied, convincing myself to keep steady.

"You weren't unsure. You were certain you'd never come." he established the fact, leaving no point for argument.

"Believe what you want." I said, in a soft defense.

"I wish I could." he said softly, looking away into the far off city lights.

Whatever that means.

We fell into a weird class of silence. It wasn't comfortable. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was necessary.

"Alexander not keeping you company?" he asked, after some time.

I grabbed the opportunity to confront him. We had played under pretenses for too long. I had figured that Lucas knew whatever Alex was up to. And so, I said, "I'd lie. But, it doesn't seem to be a good idea."

To my surprise, he laughed. "You are something." he said, mid laughter. "You know he's not gonna come, and yet you are here."

Progress. He admitted that he knew about Alex's whereabouts.

Taking a moment to look in his eyes, I replied, "You're something as well. You talk as if you've known him for eternity."

Lucas' expression wavered a bit but he said, "Oh I have. You have no idea. He's a lucky guy." He looked straight at me. I felt heat rise along my neck. Was he complimenting me?

"Thank you. But, I'm more lucky, in that case." I said, hoping that he'd get the hint. Loud and clear.

He looked away while he said, "I don't fit well with lucky people."

"Why?" I asked, uncontrollably.

"Ask Alexander. He has a habit of sucking away my luck."

What the actual fuck?

Was I just hallucinating? Or Lucas Rivera was hitting on me? Or he was talking about something I had no clue?

"Alex won't do it, not on purpose." I claimed. Knowing that I could be wrong.

Lucas laughed humorlessly. He looked in my eyes. "You don't know anything." he said through gritted teeth. Alexander must've really pissed off this guy, whatever he did.

"You are right, I don't." I told him.

"Alex has a way of coming in between things I like." he added, much to my surprise. Atleast he was more chatty than Alex. "Or love, for that matter."

I was shocked at his confession. Was Alexander keeping me away from Lucas for this reason?

Something unorthodox took over in me when I asked, "What did Alex do to you that you hate him so much?"

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