Dear Universe,

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Will you tell me all of your secrets?

Will you lift your black curtain that makes our lives vain?

What are you?

What's in you?

Where am I?

What is the point of life itself?

When I look up at the stars, I feel tiny and insignificant. I realize that our lives are irrelevant.

Why are we here?

Everything we deem important, isn't.

All of our values are nothing but in our minds.

What is a soul, a conscious? Just like God, there is no scientific explanation but we know it's there.

Life is a gift given to a child. When they open it, they have no idea what it is or how it works. Other people who had the gift longer may guide them, but don't completely understand it either.

We're all ignorant.

So I ask you for knowledge.

Will you tell me?

Or is it best that I don't know?

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