Some Days

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Some days I don't want to be mayor.

Some days I don't want to be a lawyer, or society's definition of success.

They tell me to aspire to a career, not marriage.

Why can't I?

I want love.

I want joy.

I want mutual support.

Some days I don't want to stress and slave for material things that I'll enjoy for a moment.

I just want to live a full life of love and hate, happiness and sadness, and all of the other dichotomies of human emotion.

I want to have a stronger connection with God, my Father.

I want to have a warm family with my husband, my Everything.

And most of all, I want to write stories and poetry, my Life.

When someone asks me what career I want to pursue, I want to recite this poem.

But instead I say Mayor.

Instead I say lawyer.

And other days, I pursue law and politics whole-heartedly.


This wasn't really a poem, but I love it too much to not put it in here.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2014 ⏰

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