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"This is the worst day of them all thus far," the Duke spoke, looking out into the fields beyond the castle walls. Lakes and streams were so hot they were bubbling and steaming, the water fading into the dry arid atmosphere. The once lushness of the grass and soft clay of the ground were losing colour yet the azuline sky was brighter than ever, cloudless leaving the land exposed to a blazing orange sun.

The Duke turned to look at his knights, his sheriff and guards. The courtyard he was standing in was empty, since the people who lived in the lower villages around the castle walls had taken shelter from the sun. The well had even dried up, buckets scattered the floor around it as if there had been a scramble for the last remaining drips of water.

"Your Grace, If I may," Allyn, the sheriff spoke softly to the Duke.

Duke Lugh nodded to the shorter than average, brown haired man. "Do speak."

Allyn smiled back gratefully.
"On a day like this, undoubtedly it is a positive thing. No beast dare step on the scorching earth, no bird dare to fly. Why would we fear, when though still a dreadful day, it feels as though we have been given an advantage and some time."

"I do hope you are correct," Lugh replied, his dark ragged unkept hair hung before his face and he pulled it back with his fingers attempting to tame it. Sweat dripped from his forehead to the tip of his nose. "Maybe we should request help from Kora?" Voices protested, discussing among each other in a variety of opinion on the idea.

"Sire, I believe that may be tricky in more than one way. Firstly, I doubt any stallion would ride well in this blazing heat and furthermore, she may not desire to help," a knight spoke, stepping forward, he was attired in black coat of mail, the emblem of the land pressed onto his chest plates, a crescent moon in sterling.

"That may be true Turighon but to know for sure we must try surely?" The Duke stressed his eagerness in his widened brown eyes.

"Of course, your Grace, the horses will surely obey. I shall send myself and two others, we will choose the greatest horses we have," Turighon obeyed and the other men agreed.

Lugh smiled and turned to face his other men, before ushering them with his hands to return to the safety of the castle. Entering the throne room, Lugh walked to his favoured window which looked directly down the village road, straight through the castle gateway; beyond the great pastures, encircled in farm land and finally the woodlands beyond that.

Lugh had ruled over Yuzneth for twenty years, it wasn't the largest of given lands from the King but it was his home and it had been serene until five years previously when Kora came to seek protection.

It had been the night of the full red moon of Jem, during a lunar banquet that Duke Lugh held every year. All the towns people were welcome and did so in absolute pleasure to dance, socialise and eat in the grand room, marvelling at the decoration of crimson cloth circles hanging from the great canopy above them whilst musicians played instruments which echoed beautifully around them.

Lugh sat at the benches along with his knights, drinking from the casks of liquor. He had allowed a young peasant boy to enjoy the throne for the night. There was no social position at the banquets, everyone felt an equal status.

A stranger entered the throne room, a young woman with tattered clothes, wrapped up in black. Her hair a fiery red, curled down to her waistline. Lugh watched her intently, his green eyes gleamed in the candlelight as they followed the woman around the room. She had not acknowledged his gaze and she slipped around the dancing people graciously. She smiled although she did not dance or look for too long. Lugh stood calmly, not taking his eye off her. He patted Vard one of his knights, on the arm. Vard looked up surprised.

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