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"I wish you a safe journey," Lugh's expression showed concern, visibly distressed. He wafted his hand in front of his face, struggling to cool himself in the boiling tropical weather. The knights bowed to their Duke.

"We won't be long. Will it be a 'don't take no for an answer' situation, my Lord?" Turighon raised his eyebrows as her watched his leader think about it. Lugh shook his head and Turighon understood.

"I felt perhaps Vard would be more adjusted for such a task but since he is not in the land at this present moment, I know full well you can still carry out the job."

Turighon and two of his men, took their fastest horses and set out for the edges of the village. Kora lived near a brook, residing in a remote windmill, at least an hour walk away from the castle gates. Much shorter on the back of a horse, but in this weather it was going to take longer.

They hung large barrels of water onto the saddle of their horses, in trust to remain hydrated in the high temperature. The village was deserted and no one was around. Passing the Castle gates, they strode down the road to the fields and towards the wood surrounding the water of Yuzneth. Turighon knew his Duke was concerned about what was lying ahead. He did not honestly think Kora would help, merely that she had knowledge the Duke now sought after, to help him find out further of the uncertainty that was elect.

After a lengthy, tedious journey, they came upon the old mill beside the brook. Jumping down from their horses, they secured them to a nearby birch tree in the shade and carefully walked towards the windmill. It was run down and dirty. Nature had taken over the outside and the windowpanes were bordered up. The door was dangling by its hinges, half open.

"Kora?" Turighon stepped ahead, his blade out front in defence, only meeting with the woman, a few times beforehand to escort her from taverns for negligent behaviour, he felt he could not trust her. He traced the side of the wood door with it, removing ivy and nettles from his way. He slowly walked in the dark mill. The other knights followed slowly behind.

"Who goes there?" A croaky voice called back. The windmill was bigger than first thought, and was lit slightly by the sun through holes in the roof. Kora sat in the corner on a dingy blanket reading a book. The room was tidy for a forgotten building. She had evidently sought to sweep the floor of grit and grime, and had brought in furniture such as chairs and desks, stolen long before.

"I mean no harm. I am Turighon and I am from the knights of Yuzneth." He walked in the room properly and stood in the doorway. Kora was watching him. She turned the book she was reading down on her thigh and crossed her arms.

"Yes, I always remember a face. What does Lugh want?" She answered.

"With all due respect m'lady but that is Duke Lugh, or Lord to you," Another knight said. Kora laughed in reply. Turighon walked over to a footstool and motioned the other men to remain by the doorway. He hunkered down. Kora watched him warily.

"Well, what does he want?" She demanded again.

"Danger my lady. The Duke would require your assistance."

"At the castle?"

"Yes ma'am," Turighon stood. "Right away." Kora placed her book on the floor and calmly stood up. Her garments were ripped and she was bare foot. Turighon watched her as she set the dingy blanket on the table in a heap and she then placed a pair of worn out boots on her tiny feet. He stretched out his hand for her to take it. She glanced at it for a moment before complying and allowed him to carefully guide her outside into the heat.

"It has been a long week Kora. It is awfully warm for anybody today," Turighon choked out, his mouth dry as dust. He opened the side of the barrel revealing an opening and he lightly tilted it to the side for the liquid to escape out. He placed his mouth under the trickling water and ushered the others to do the same. The other knights did so also before returning to their own horses. Turighon pointed at the barrels to Kora but she shook her head at the suggestion. "When did you last eat or drink?" Turighon's eyes widened in concern.

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