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There was no use in resisting. There was no point in avoiding what had to be done.

Lugh had no choice, surrounded in hatred and angry, malicious minds. As he stepped away from his devoted knights, Yula placed a large silver knife to his throat, to prove she was genuine.

Lugh gulped, feeling the cool tip on his skin. He strode off towards the wood in the distance, Yula's smirk was wicked. It was unnerving. She dropped her weapon and watched him walk away. The Duke turned back once more for a second, hoping to reach the eyes of his knights, but he saw nothing more than the back of their heads as they were led back towards the wood box of a prison.

He had no idea where he was going, Yula knew where Kora was but did not speak another word. 'In the wood' was his sole instruction.

Stepping over tree roots, fallen twigs and pine cones, Lugh made his move into the wood. Its lush, emerald green leaves adorned the high and mighty tree trunks. The Duke breathed in deeply and was almost overwhelmed by the rich fragrance of wildflowers of every variety. It soothed him for a moment before returning to realism.

He peered around the trees, hoping to find a familiar face, wondering maybe if they had settled up camp in an opening of the wood. Then a large run-down hut appeared in front of him between the shrubs, fog billowed out from the chimney. He hurried over quickly, believing this was where his best friend and his love were hiding. He tutted and chuckled to himself as he pushed the old, worn out and dirty door ajar. Typical of Kora to locate herself in deserted buildings.

As he opened the battered door, he was greeted by two startled expressions, crouching down beside a fireplace. Lugh grinned to realize it was in fact Kora and Vard.

Vard stood and rushed over to his Duke, gripping him with a firm hug. Kora did not move, she looked away hastily and then stood herself. She wiped herself down and then glanced at Lugh. The Duke smiled at her reassuringly.

"Why are you here?" Kora asked eyeing him up and down in suspicion.

"I'm sorry Kora, but Yula has forced me hostage, and she knows you're here. She made me come and bring you."

Vard gasped.

"No," Kora bluntly answered.

"I know... I know you were her mentor." There was silence. The crackling of the wood burning from the embers of the fire was the only sound for just a moment before Lugh spoke once again. "Well?"

Kora turned her back on the Duke and crossed her arms. Vard shrugged at the Duke.

"I really don't expect you to apologise and grovel to me," Lugh said to break the silence, knowing Kora wasn't going to explain her past actions with his sister. "It's not your style-"

"It is absolutely not my style." Kora turned to face Lugh and Vard, her eyes watery, it appeared she had been struggling to hold back tears. She forced a light smile at them. Lugh held out his hand to Kora. She looked at it reluctantly before taking it and stepping closer. She took a long breath in as if accepting her fate.

The fate it now appeared, she had been running away from.

Vard found his sword and turned to the door.

"You won't need that, they practically ripped Turighon's in two."

Vard gulped and then fixed his sword in his armour belt. He exited the ruined building first and The Duke and Kora followed behind slowly.

They made their approach through the wood and back to the great wild field where Yula and her army had been waiting. At the sight of them, the crowd cheered and raised their weapons. Kora winced, and the Duke placed his arm over her shoulder to comfort her.

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