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The doors of Kora's sleeping chambers opened forcefully. Lugh ran into the room, followed by Vard. Kora leaped up in shock, pulling the covers close to her. Vard rushed to the candles, lighting them before walking over to the bed where Lugh already stood over her.

"You need to leave now," Lugh said. She stared back at him confounded.

"No, why?" Kora protested. She looked at Vard and then back at the Duke. "I don't want to. We agreed I could stay!"

"I need you to leave for your own safety." Lugh reached his hand out, Kora stared at it for a moment before he reached for her arm. "Please." Kora pulled away agitated. She moved the covers away and stepped out of bed angrily.

"Fine," She muttered. "I am assuming you've changed your mind about me sticking around to help. Typical."

"I'd rather not put you in peril." Lugh didn't want to tell her the truth. He didn't want to frighten her or for her to do something silly like confront Yula. He wanted to keep her safe from his sister.

Lugh watched her walk around the room collecting some of her items such as clothes. She picked up her small carry case and stormed past Lugh without looking at him. He called after her.

"Vard will go with you."

"No. I don't need your help, much like you don't seem to want mine!" Kora yelled back as she rushed down the corridor. Lugh and Vard followed.

"Just let Vard accompany you."

"No, my Lord!" She yelled again, louder this time without turning around. She stomped into the throne room, which was pitch black but this did not stop her.

Lugh ceased at the archway, it was no use following her. "Just go after her and make sure she gets out of here safely." Vard nodded back to the Duke and rushed off after Kora who had by now reached the Castle doors.

The Duke stood for a while watching his knight run off into the darkness of the throne room. He sighed deeply before turning back to the corridor.

Allyn met the Duke in the corridor, awoken by the noise and realising the situation. They smiled at each other.

"Sire, Kora will forgive you for the decision."

"I am sure she will too, though will show it in such a painful way. She is too untameable for me," The Duke replied crossing his arms and leaning against the wall.

"Do you wish to tame Lady Kora?" Allyn replied confused.

"Of course not, you cannot tame such people who belong in the wind. But she is not right for me."

"Although there are many mixed opinions in the land, If I may, I would like to say, I have always thought you and Kora could have worked."

"You think? I know of only negative opinions. I am an old man now friend, I have failed my Kingdom."

Allyn laughed lightly, and then placed his hand out to the Dukes shoulder.

"You have many years ahead of you and your people love and admire you. Kora becomes more beautiful every day and you know her heart sings for you. One day I am sure, the time will be right, not to tame her my Lord, but for her to come to you. Like a butterfly landing suddenly on your hand without warning, without prompting or temptation, but by pure choice."

"Perhaps." Lugh stood properly and patted his Sheriff on the arm, he then stretched and yawned. "Goodnight friend." The Duke headed down the corridor once again and back to his sleeping chambers.


The morning finally arrived, and Lugh had barely slept a wink. He was now down to Turighon and Allyn. He questioned whether it was best to run away himself, forsake the village and leave. He might not be a fighter but he certainly wasn't a coward.

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