Chapter 5: Catching Up

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"So, derek, Have you been with anyone since we split up, 3 years 5 months and 17 days ago?" she said, using an odd sense of knowledge..

"Tracy, have you been counting the days ive been gone?" i said.

The thought that she was being creepy completely slipped my mind at that moment, i was mesmerized by her voice!! It was weird... it was like, i was happy again, happier then ive been in a long time, and we had only just started talking!

"Yeah... .I'm sorry derek, ive just missed you so much! you were my everything, and when i lost you.. My world fell apart! I lost my job and everything! Derek i miss you!" she said, beginning to sob.

"tracy... no, i havent been with any one since you, ive been too busy with life. I've had a couple of friends that i slept with, but thats it." i said, trying to resist the urge to wipe away her tears.

"I've slept with a few other people too derek... but none of them were like you. They didnt care about how i felt, they just wanted sex... but derek, YOU cared, YOU wanted me for the real me." she said, smiling and looking into my eyes with a few tears sliding down her cheek.

"Yeah i did Tracy, but that was a long time ago. Things have changed. When i last saw you, you were basically stalking me. You wouldnt stop calling, you wouldnt stop messaging, and you wouldnt leave me alone! you got jealous when i talked to other girls, you asked where i was at every point of every day, and you got scared i was cheating when i showed up two minutes late for dinner!" i said, raising my voice.

"i-i-i-im sorry!", she said while sobbing "i promised ive changed derek, i promise! just give me a chance"

And with that, she put her head in her hands and began to cry..

i stood up, "tracy... come here okay", i said, motioning for her to come torwards me.

She stood up and slowly came torwards me.

I then held her gently in my arms, wiping the tears from her face. "Look, I'll give you another chance. but if i even have one tiny little feeling that your the same as before, its done.. You have one chance Tracy, one chance." i said, kind of worried that i wasnt making the right desicion, something in the back of my mind told me something was wrong.

"Thank you derek! i knew you would come back to me!" she said, squeezing me tight, holding on to me. " Thank you , Thank you, Thank you!" She said, with the biggest smile on her face, though it was tainted by tears, it still made me happy... i dont know why, but i smiled back at her.

"Just one chance though Tracy.. Hey i have to go, i have work to complete. Um, maybe you could call me? You have my work number, so just call there. Maybe later on in this final chance, ill give you my real number, okay?" I said, motioning for the door.

"Okay, i promise everything will be fine between us. Have a great day at work derek" she said, still having that huge, sweet, loving smile on her face. The kind of smile that you just couldnt help but to smile back at.

"Alright tracy, it was actually nice talking to you, maybe we can still have that lunch on tuesday... to actually talk, since this was basically a sob fest. I dont mean to be rude, but we didnt catch up at ALL. So yeah, we still need to catch up sometime, if thats okay with you" i said, smiling.

"of course its okay with me" she said with a smile, "let me know when and where you want to meet and ill be there. I'll get there early too, so i wont be late!!" sounding a bit over excited.

"alright, well, have a nice day Tracy, talk to you some other time" i said, exiting the door, and heading back to my car.

When i got in the car, i could have sworn i saw a figure behind the glass... watching me leave... was she staring at me? No, she couldnt be, I convinced myself. She couldnt be staring at me. It must just be a reflection.

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