Chapter 15: Taken Captive

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“There’s no way… No, that couldn’t have been Martha. Tracy is just right down the street right?? She probably just has some friends over..” I thought, reassuring myself that she wouldn’t have gone out of her way to see Martha.

The Next few days went by quickly, without much excitement. Tracy never called back, Martha never answered her phone. I worried profusely over what might be the trouble.

But on a good note, I had a lead on the bank fraud case. A picture! I was able to log into my work account from home, and from there I tapped into the camera systems within the building. I watched for HOURS waiting for something to happen near out vault, or near the Cash Computer system. Finally, after about 5 and a half hours of intense screen watching yesterday, I had found a clip where someone was not only suspiciously messing with the Cash Computer, but had found his way to get into the vault.

The only reason I knew it had to be this guy was the fact that, one of the bank frauds happened on exactly this time, on exactly this day!

“HA! Wonder what the boss will say when I show him this!” I said, excitedly.

“Well, Tomorrow I will take this in, but for now! I want to sleep” I said as I smile.

I went to sleep… sleeping soundly…………………………………..

The next day I woke with a start, remembering that I was going into work today. Immediately I was excited. Finally I was going to be able to put him in his place!

With that happy thought I got dressed, and got ready to head off to the man that treated me like a child, even though I was his best employee. So, I got into my car, and drove on over.


I Marched my way into his office and spread the files all over him, throwing them into his face like he was a tiny little bug on a window.

“There, I found evidence of the back fraud culprit. What else do you want? I’ve done what you asked, now can I have my job back?” I said, in a demanding, demeaning tone.

My boss looked over the files… and suddenly, his eyes seemed to begin to widen..

“NO! This can’t be him, delete your files and start over, do NOT come back until you have found more proof! NOW GET OUT OF MY OFFICE!!!!” My boss yelled, screaming at me in a vile tone.

I stood there staring at him.

“No, I’m not leaving.” I said.

He stared at me violently..

“Oh really, and you think you can just not listen to what I have to say?” My boss said, seemed to laugh at my insolence.

“YEAH! I’m tired of how you treat me! I’m tired of you telling me to constantly do better when I’m trying my hardest! I’m of it, and I’m tired of YOU!” I screamed, not realizing how loud I was being.

“Well, I guess we will have to take care of that now wont we Mr. Wagner” My boss said, with a sly smile across his face.

With that he walks calmly over to me, and rubs his hand together.

“Well, Mr. Wagner, I’m afraid I have some news… You won’t be leaving work today, because of the slight fact that you might report my anger issues to someone else. SO! On that note, I’m going to have to ask you too stay a while. Is that ok with you Mr. Wagner?” My boss said, in a malicious tone in his voice.

I stared blankly at him, and went to turn to leave, beginning to worry that I needed to leave as soon as possible.

Then I changed my mind, I was NOT going to let this man control me.

So I spun around on him and said

“NO! it is not okay! Your not going to keep controlling me, I’m bigger better AND stronger then you!” I said, proud of how I finally stood up for myself.

“Oh is that so?” My boss chuckled “Well, if that is the case, and that is your choice, then meet Bryan, my son.”

I turned around; facing what seemed like the biggest man I’ve ever seen… He had green eyes, and a buzz cut. His Muscles were bigger then head, and that was just on his arm…

“Um, So! You can’t scare me Mr. Blackwell!” I said, still worried about my safety now…

“Oh I know I can’t, but that’s not my plan Mr. Wagner” My boss said, smiling.

“BRYAN! You oaf, take Derek to the hidden closet in our Employees Lounge!” My boss said, yelling at his son.

“Yes Sir!” Said Bryan.

I turned around and stared at Bryan, then I saw his legs were spread so I kneed him between the legs. Yet, because of his size, even though he doubled over because of the pain, he still blocked the doorway!!

“GAHHHHH!” screamed Bryan, grabbing me by my neck and slamming my flaccid body into the wall.

Wow… this boy was strong…

“BRYAN! Stop, take him to the hidden section. Do NOT hurt him” Screamed my boss.

“Ugh.. Fine daddy…” Said Bryan, who henceforth carried me down to the hidden section within the room… In order for me to not see where we were, he held his massive hand over my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2012 ⏰

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