Chapter 6: Back to the Boss

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After a night of thinking and little sleep, i woke up at 5am to get ready for another day at work. But while getting in my car, on the dashboard was a crumpled up grocerey list..

"I havent gone shopping recently... so where did this come from..." then i looked at the time "damn, i have to go!" i said, hurrying to get on the road.

I tossed the receipt to the side, forgetting all about it.

When i reached the office, i immediatly knew i was in trouble.

"Get over here boy!" he said, demanding my presence.

Boy, really? im a 28 year old man, and I am a boy?

"What did i do wrong this time sir?" i said, still a bit confused and agitated.

"Derek Wagner you know damn well what you did wrong! Another Bank fraud has come up on my list! And it was from district 3, YOUR district 3!" he said, screaming raspily at me.

It took all i had not to sock him in the face right then and there..

"Well sir, as i said im working on it as fast as possible. You can't honestly expect me to find it this fast can you?" i said, kind of playing the pity card.

"Yes, yes you CAN do it this fast, and you will. Find out who it is, or your FIRED." he said, then added "Derek, you were once my best employee, but now i wish i never hired you. Your on thin wire boy" and with that he stormed back inside,  but right as he reached the door he looked back and yelled "Stay out of here until you find out who it is!"

"But sir all of my data..."

He cut me off mid sentence, "I dont care about your god damn data boy, just found out who did this, is it really that hard??"

He then took off into the building, and i was left standing there.

"Wow, if only i could really speak my mind... someday i will, someday ill take care of him." i thought to myself. "Someday, I'll let him know what being looked down on really feels like"

There's a Reason She's My Ex  (Watty Awards 2012)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ