Chapter 13: If only Martha knew

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Martha continued to walk over to the door.

She Unlocks it and pulls the door open.

" Hey there, can i help you?" Says Martha.

"Y-y-Yes please... My husband kicked me out of my house, and I just need somewhere to stay... Could you please let me stay here," The Mystery woman said, sobbing in tears.

"Yes , Yes, come in please" martha said, comforting the woman by patting on her back and bring her in to her hunble aboad.

"I'm sorry for just showing up out of NoWhere.... I just... It's really sad, and I've heard from friends that your a friendly person." Said the woman.

Martha's heart felt warm at the thought of other people making such nice comments about her.

"Well, I guess that's true. Would you like anything to drink? To eat?" Asked Martha.

"Yes please, could i just have some water?" Asked the woman, kind of shaking in fear of how her "husband" treated her.

"Alright! One water coming right up." Said the woman, thiking about what she was going to do to... oh never mind.

Martha Went to go get a water, coming back with two glasses, because she wanted one too.

"So, What exactly happened between you and your husband?" Asked martha, really curious and oblivious to the situation..

"He abused me, He used me for dirty naughty things...." "I dont really want to talk about it" said the woman, tearing up again.

"awe dont cry sweetheart!" Said martha, giving her a friendly hug..

"May i ask your name?" Martha said to the woman

"It's.... Tracy"

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