Chapter 2

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“Hello, welcome to the Samuel Johnson show,” A slim man in a grey blazer walked onto the stage with a few cue cards and a microphone, “and I’m your host Samuel Johnson.”

                A light clap came from the audience as Louis sat down on the sofa with his glass of milk and blanket.  James had gone out for the night leaving the younger boy to do whatever he pleased.  Normally, Louis would have been in bed by now for it was at least eleven O’clock, but he really didn’t want to have that dream again.

                It haunted him every so often on the most random of nights and it took him weeks sometimes to get back on his regular sleeping schedule. Louis looked back at the T.V and almost dropped the milk he was holding in his right hand.

 “Please welcome One Direction,” Louis internally cursed the man who said those words but couldn’t force himself to change the channel. Or even look away for that matter.

       The clapping from the audience was definitely louder, with screaming girls and whistling older women. The first one to come out from the doors was Niall Horan.

        Niall was a short boy with blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He always appeared overly happy to do anything, no matter what it was. Although Louis wouldn’t know, he’d never met the boy in his life.

        Second was Zayn Malik, he was the only one in the group that could actually take something seriously. With his dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, oh boy, yes he sure was a looker.

         Liam Payne came after, seeming as happy as Niall was to be there. Liam was what they would call, ‘daddy direction’ he was always taking care of the boys (or at least that was what he read on the internet).

         Louis felt the tears in his eyes build up as the last member of the band walked out. Harry Styles.  His tangle-free curly hair staying in place perfectly, the hair flip that really did get him overwhelmed, and those beautifully charming eyes that Louis would never be able to forget.

     They all sat down on the couch next to Samuel who was overly pleased to see them, “Hello boys, how are you doing?”

         The blonde spoke first almost jumping out of his seat, “we just got back from a concert, it was great!”

    “That’s wonderful Niall,” the interviewer said, seemingly disappointed that he didn’t receive any other answers from the other three, “so boys since we’ve only got a short amount of time here I have a few questions to ask you from you fans on twitter.”

    All the boys nodded and the man began to talk once again, “Okay we’ll start with Zayn, what’s your ideal date?”

        “That would have to be dinner and a movie, you know, something simple for the first date I suppose.” Harry nodded his head in agreement. Louis laughed a little; their first date was to the carnival which Harry paid for fully. Oh yeah, you’re definitely keeping it simple Harry.

      “Oh, I see. Alright Liam, what do you look for in a girl?” the audiences eyes were locked on Liam and Louis could have sworn he saw some girls grabbing notepads from their purses.

     Liam scratched the back of his head and smiled, “Someone who’s shy and cute. Like Niall, but female.”

        Even though Niall was trying to hide it Louis still saw the tiny blush making its way upon the blondes cheeks. At least ten girls squealed and almost everyone was taking pictures all because of Niall’s reddened face.

Samuel laughed and continued, “Okay last one Harry, what was one of your greatest past relationships.”

        Louis tensed and he saw Harry do the same, how is it even possible they asked him this question out of all of them. The boys seemed to notice the delayed response, but thankfully Harry controlled himself.

       “My greatest past relationship was with a girl I didn’t even want to leave in the first place. But she thought it would be good if we both went separate ways when I auditioned and got through to the next round on X Factor. I really do miss her though, love you Louisa.”

       Louis was already putting everything that Harry said together, they started dating in grade 10, X Factor was the reason they broke up and Louis… Louisa. It wasn’t that hard of a puzzle. It did make Louis tingly inside though. He didn’t think Harry still thought of him. Louis was definitely relieved.

       The door swung open revealing a drunken James and a big breasted blonde attached by mouth. Louis quickly turned off the T.V and wrapped his blanket around himself on the couch, being as quiet as possible.

      Why did he ever think it was a good idea to break it off with Harry? He really was an idiot, not like he didn’t know, James did the honour of reminding him every day. Louis always thought of moving out of this god forsaken hell hole, but James once told him he really had no choice in the matter. He was here to stay and that was that.

      Louis had no idea what he had done to deserve this, he missed Harry. He missed him so much it made him want to cry, cry more than when James would hit him or call him names that broke him. A groan was heard from upstairs, clearly coming from James.

      The young boy dug his head into a couch cushion trying to block at the groans and moans from James’ room. Holding back the tears that dared to spill over for the third time that day. He hated his life, truly hated it.

     Hated the fact that he didn’t wake up to Harry’s dark green eyes, that he would never feel those soft curls slip through his fingers again, that he would never get any more big surprises for his birthday, never hear the words, “I love you Boo Bear,” whispered into his ear at night and he definitely hated that fact that Harry was perfectly happy without him.

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