Chapter 3

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“Louis get up, you’re taking my niece out for the day.”

 Louis groaned and rolled off of the coach hitting the floor with a thud, James hadn’t mentioned anything about a niece before. Now that he thought about it, they never really talked about their families. They didn’t really talk at all.

           “Y-You have a niece?” Louis asked rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, his legs had been caught in the heap of blankets and he was still struggling to get out.

         “Of course I do dimwit,” James came back into the living room with a glass of coffee, of course it wasn’t for Louis. Although James didn’t even like coffee, it was probably another one of those, ‘haha, look what I have but you don’t,’ type of situations, “that’s what happens when your sister gets pregnant.”

        “Well where am I taking her,” Louis had finally gotten out of the blanket and was sitting on the couch with his legs tucked underneath him.  This was the calmest he had ever seen James in a long time, it was very comforting.  He remembered when they didn’t fight at all, even cuddled sometimes. It was probably all a ploy. Make Louis fall in love with him, let him move in, and then crush his heart. The thought almost brought tears to his eyes.

        “To meet some dumbass band she’s been talking about for the past couple of months. They’re doing a CD signing on Main Street at HMV.” As soon as James finished talking the same blonde girl from last night came down the stairs, her eyes widening when she saw Louis on the sofa.

        James spoke up again, “Hey babe, don’t worry about him. It’s my brother. He just came down for a visit.” James walked up to Louis and put him in what appeared to be a friendly head lock, “Right Lou?”

         Louis tried his absolute hardest to put on a fake smile and he succeeded, sort of, “O-Oh yeah, just brother bonding happening over here.”

         He put his head down as soon as he said the words. ‘Just hold in the tears Lou,’ he thought to himself.

         “Well okay,” the blonde said, “I’ll see you around James.”

       She quickly slid on her shoes and ran out the door; Louis could tell she knew something was going on between them. Good riddance, then maybe she wouldn’t come back.

        “Dumb bitch,” James whispered.  Louis could tell that James, surprisingly, wasn’t directing those cruel words at him for once.

        “Well I better get ready for your niece then,” Louis tried pulling himself free from James grip, but the boy tightened his arm around his neck, “l-let go James, I have to shower.”

       “Who do you think you are demanding such things,” James’ face scrunched up in anger and threw Louis down onto the couch, “you’re still only just a nice fuck.  Don’t ever think for one second you’re more than that, got it?”

          Louis nodded his head slowly tears clouding his eyes, although they were slightly forced, he thought that maybe if James saw the tears he would back off. This was one of those moments where it really sucked to be wrong.

          A loud smack echoed across the room as James’ hand connected with the side of Louis’ face, “don’t fucking cry it’s pathetic,” and with that he left the room.

            Louis slowly got up off the couch and walked up to the bathroom. He still needed a shower; in fact it actually felt like he needed one more than ever thanks to the events of the morning. Unlike most people Louis didn’t think much while in the shower, he mostly scrubbed and scrubbed his skin trying to get the sick feeling of James off of him.

            When his skin couldn’t take anymore friction he turned off the tap and grabbed a towel from the towel rack. With the towel wrapped around his waist he walked to his bedroom and started picking out his clothes.  He opened the top drawer and was welcomed by numerous different coloured striped shirts. Louis decided he wasn’t in the stripy mood today and opened the second drawer.

          The second one was filled by over-sized sweaters. Oh well, it’s not like he had anyone to impress. He slipped the comfy white one over his head and grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans from the messy floor below him.

            He didn’t even bother doing his hair; it usually fell in place anyway. As if on cue he heard James’ call him from the hallway, “Louis hurry up my niece is here.”

           Louis ran out of his room and down the stairs, spotting James’ niece. She appeared to you average eight year old. With brown curly hair that came down to the middle of her back and a pink dress that just passed her knees.

           “Are you ready to go Uncle Louis?” The little girl asked, offering her hand for him to take.

           Louis looked over to James who was too ‘busy’ lying on the couch watching football to notice him, “Umm, yeah sure let’s go.”

           Louis grabbed her hand and led her out of the house; it felt good to finally get out. He had no reason go outside while dating James; he usually did all the grocery shopping. He watched as a couple of boys rode by on their skateboards laughing to each other. When was the last time he ever had good laugh? Probably five years ago.

           He looked down to the little girl and saw the big smile she held on her face. It almost made him happy to see it, knowing that he was that one that caused it. Louis would admit that he held a soft spot for kids, “So what’s your name?”

           The brunette girl smiled at him, “Sidney.”  

          Louis could finally see the doors to HMV, and to his dismay above those doors was a big banner that read, ‘One Direction CD Signing.’

“ONE DIRECTION!”  She yelled, jumping up and down. Louis almost passed out from the sight but calmed himself and sighed. He didn’t remember walking under any ladders lately.

          “Are you sure you want to see these guys, I mean, I’m sure there’s a fair around here somewhere. We would go on the Farris wheel; I’ll even buy you some cotton candy.” The little girl stomped her foot and started yelling.


         “Alright, alright fine we’ll see One Direction,” Louis looked around for any passing cars, maybe he could jump in front of one or something.  He’d do anything to get out of this mess.

       It was only a matter of minutes before they were at the front doors of HMV in front a tall security guard who was holding a big stamp, “give me your hand,” he said.

      Sidney gave her small hand for the man to put a stamp on.  When they both got their stamps they walked through the exterior doors and were greeted by at least one-thousand screaming girls. Okay that was an exaggeration not all of them were screaming. A few were breathing into bags, a couple had fainted and their might even had been one or two people thrusting to the music.

        Thanks to the security guards the line went by quite fast, something Louis was not too pleased by. He really didn’t want to see Harry so close, he knew tears were going to appear, he knew his emotions were going to rise once again. Why did the curly haired boy do this to him?

         The song moments came on when Louis finally reached the table with the five boys, ‘oh god, just shoot me now…” The first person at the table was Liam; he of course was wearing a checkered shirt and tannish pants. He smiled at Sidney and signed the CD and picture she was holding. When he looked at Louis his eyes widened and he took a sharp inhale of breath, causing him to choke on his spit.

           Harry quickly looked over to Liam and started hitting him on the back, “You okay, Li?” He asked. Louis almost fainted when he heard the sound of his voice in person, but wait, Li? LI? So what now that he’s in a boy band they all have cute little nicknames for each other?

          When Liam’s coughing stopped he took a few more deep breaths and pointed his finger at me, “It’s him.”

I was wondering what side pairing you guys wanted, maybe Ziam, Niam or Ziall?

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