Chapter 1: The Big Apple

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June's POV

Ah damn it! I should have bought a new alarm or maybe I should just get a new phone. Because I clearly remember setting the alarm before going to bed.

 I quickly walked towards the elevator and pushed the up button. As the elevator doors opened, I noticed it was too crowded so I had to take the stairs to the eighth floor. I quickly ran up the stairs, my legs and lungs burning from the unexpected physical exertion and as soon as I opened the door I ran into a brick wall.

Wait since when was a brick wall placed here? I looked up and it was actually a man, a very very good looking man

" I'm so sorry sir, are you alright?" I said, my cheeks heating up with embarrassment 

"I'm fine, are you okay?" he said helping me up from the floor

I looked up and got a good luck at his face with his smoldering brown  eyes staring at me looking amused. The director came walking by and slowly shook his head with a disapproving look as he saw the interaction between the man and me unfold.

"Ms. June, I see you've met your boss Mr. Robin, you are going to be his personal assistant"

"H-hello sir, pleased to meet you" I said shaking his hand

"Likewise Ms. June"

"There is a party later at 7:00 pm, I expect you to be there and wear something sensible" the director said before walking away

"Yes sir"

As the director walked back to his office, Mr. Robin moved closer and whispered "You might want to pull your skirt down a bit Ms. June"

I looked down and saw that my skirt had ridden up and shown more skin than I would've liked.


I blushed and said thank you. I returned to my desk and started writing up reports on the Ilio Corporation, a company that we were soon going to merge with. The party we were required to attend was a welcoming party for the president of Ilio. 

It was almost 6:00 pm when I glanced at my watch, shoot, I need enough time to get home and get ready. As I was packing up my folders, Mr. Robin came by my desk and said he would come pick me up. I said a quick thank you and rushed down the stairs, spraining my ankle in the process.

"Oohh shit, why am I always so clusmy...oww I need ice" I grumbled to myself, walking slower to the parking garage. 

I made it home with only 40 minutes to spare...


Robin's POV

As I walked through the office, I could feel other people staring at me. Men with looks of jealousy and women with looks of lust.

I walked by the staircase when the door suddenly swung open and someone barreled right into me and fell.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry sir" she said looking apologetic and embarrassed

"I'm fine, are you alright?" I asked lending her a hand, I noticed she wasn't like the other girls at the office. She had tousled black hair that reached past her shoulders, and warm brown eyes that made you feel comfortable and warm.

The director walked by and cast a disapproving glance her way

"Ms. June, this is your boss Mr. Robin"

Huh so she's my new personal assistant

"H-Hello sir, pleased to meet you" she said looking shy


The director informed Ms. June of the party and went back to his office. I noticed her skirt had ridden up a bit and showed off her pale legs.

I moved closer and whispered "You might want to pull you skirt down a bit" before moving back and smirking. Her cheeks became flushed and she adjusted her outfit and muttered a quick "thank you" 

I dropped by her desk later in the afternoon and informed her that I was going to pick her up.


Hi everyone! Thanks for reading the first chapter, I know its short but please read on! I promise you it gets better. Thank you for your support! :3

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