Chapter 8: Snuggling under the Stars

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The rest of the group continued hiking, while Robin stayed behind while I waited for my clothes to dry. About an hour later, my clothes were finally dry enough so we continued hiking. I couldn't stop thinking about Robin, he's been like my guardian...he's always there for me and I know I can count on him no matter what. In a way he was like my bodyguard...The feeling was just inexplanable...

We continued walking in a comfortable silence, until the sky started turning darker.

"Looks like we'll have to camp for the night" he said

"Yeah, but I didn't bring a tent or sleeping bag because I assumed we'd finish hiking in one day"

"Well we would have, except your clumsiness set us back a bit"

"You know you could have just kept going, you didn't have to wait with me"

"Knowing you, you probably would've got yourself eaten by a bear or maybe you would fallen into another stream"

"Oh please, I'm not that clumsy"

"Right...and the sun revolves around the Earth"

We kept walking until we found a secluded section where we could set up for the night.

"Don't worry, I brought a tent and sleeping bag with me" he said

"Wow, aren't you prepared"

"I've never seen the sarcastic side of you June"

"Well sometimes it comes out when you least expect it"

He set up the tent and made sure it wouldn't collapse on us. We crawled inside and I realized it was quite spacious and cozy. 

"I didn't realize it would this cold" I said holding my knees against my chest.

He took off his jacket and put it around my shoulders

"Aren't you going to be cold?" I asked

"I'll be fine"

He took out his sleeping bag and laid it on the tent floor.

"I only brought one sleeping bag so..."

"Oh, I mean thats okay. You take the sleeping bag and I'll take the jacket"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah yeah I'll be fine"

As the sun set and darkness rushed in, the temperature was dropping. I hugged the jacket closer to me and curled up into a ball to raise my internal core temperature.


Robin's POV

I looked over at June's sleeping form and noticed she was shivering, sighing at her stubbornness, I moved closer and pulled her into the sleeping bag. Her face was leveled with my chest and she stopped shivering. I pulled her in closer and wrapped my arms around her.

[I think I'm in love with her]


June's POV

The bright sunlight filtered through the tent, I opened my eyes only to see Robin's sleeping face right in front of me. Oh my god he must've pulled me into the sleeping bag and oh my his face is extremely close to mine...if I tilted my chin we would have kissed...I'm very tempted but what if he doesn't feel the same way? After all he is my boss.....Before I could regret my decision, I tilted my head and gave him a light kiss on the lips, but before I could pull away, Robin's hand was pushing my head and our lips smashed together in a heated kiss. 

I opened my eyes in surprise and tried pushing away but he was too strong and the kiss just made me give in. 
We pulled away and I gasped for air
"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to kiss you..."I said looking at the ground
"June, it's alright" he said lifting my chin up to meet his gorgeous eyes. "I would've had to tell you sooner or later but I do like you, you're innocent and you can act so cute"
"Y-you like me?"
"Yes I do, you're very attractive and you can be stubborn sometimes but that's what I like about you"
"W-well sir I like you too"
Robin's POV


Finally I no longer had to hide my feelings for her.
"We should probably start heading back home, I just got an email from the executives and our trip to Singapore is tomorrow"
"Tomorrow? Oh god I have to pack, how long will we be there?"
"The convention is 2 days but we'll be there for a week so we can go sightseeing as well"
"Okay sounds good"
We trekked down the mountain and made it home before noon. We spent the rest of the day packing for our trip.

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