Chapter 9: Love in the Air

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"June are you ready?" he yelled from across the hallway

"Almost" I yelled back

Shit, what else do I need? I've got the makeup, the nightly products, the feminine hygiene products, earphones, folders, business portfolio, laptop, phone...wait where's my phone charger?

"Robin have you seen my phone charger?"

"Uhhh, its right here, I've got it"

"Oh okay thanks, okay I'm ready to go"

"Okay lets go" 

We headed to the airport and checked in our luggage at the Eva air counter. Then we went through security and headed upstairs to the VIP lounge.

Luckily we didn't have to wait long and were allowed to board first. Robin had booked first class for the both of us so we had lots of leg room. The flight attendant came by and asked us if we would like a glass of champagne, due to my previous experience with alcohol I declined but Robin took a glass.

I took my headphones from my bag and played Come and Get your love by Redbone. I closed my eyes and leaned back.


Robin's POV

The takeoff was smooth and on time, looking at the flight log it will only 8 hours. I sipped my champagne and looked over at June, she's already sleeping...maybe I should take a nap too.

I lean back and close my eyes, thinking about the convention


I open my eyes and look at the time, only 2 hours have passed...What should I do? The flight attendant comes by with our meals. Today its steak and mashed potatoes with coleslaw, fries and strawberries. I get a meal and decide to wake June up. She opens her eyes looking sleepy.

"Are we almost there?" she asks with an impatient look in her eyes

"Patience is a virtue June, and we still have about 6 hours left"

"6 hours??? "  *groan*

"Here come eat something" I take a fry and bring it to her lips. She blushes looking embarrassed and opens her mouth. After dividing the meal between us, the flight attendant comes to take the tray away.

"Is this your first time on a plane?" I ask

"Yes it is, you know the whole heights thing" she replies

"Well how are you feeling?"

"I'm feeling fine, except my neck feels stiff from the awkward sleeping position" she says

"Really? Turn around"

She turns around and I start massaging her neck

"Ooh that feels so good, oh my god, oohh yeah thats the spot"

We started chatting about what we liked when we were children when the pilot warned us about the upcoming turbulence and to please fasten our seat belts.

The plane starts rocking a bit and gust of wind propels the plane a little bit and June collides into my chest. I bring her into my chest and hold her tightly.

"June are you okay?"

"Yes sir I'm fine"

"Sorry about the  turbulence passengers, please remain seated as we are expecting another gust of wind and possible thunder" the pilot announced

"T-thunder, wow that's just lovely" she said looking worried

"You scared of thunder sweetheart?"

"W-what pshh no way"

A flash of lighting and the booming sound of thunder interrupt our conversation and sends June flying into my arms

"Shhh its okay, the storm will pass" I said gently stroking her soft black hair. Eventually she falls asleep


June POV

I wake up with my cheek on a hard surface, looking around I noticed that I had fallen asleep on Robin's shoulder

"Please fasten your seat belts, the plane will be landing" the pilot said over the intercom

"Finally, I hate sitting for too long" I said stretching my arms over my head

The plane landed smoothly and we exit the plane and grab our baggage from the carousel and head out to grab a taxi. Good thing the taxi stand lines weren't too crowded and we didn't have to wait long.

"Hello sir where are you headed to?"

"Somerset Hotel please" said Robin

"Yes sir"

I looked out the window and saw bushes and flowers lining the road before it gave way to modern buildings and hotels, eventually it all blurred into one as I fell asleep. I woke up to Robin shaking my shoulders as we had arrived at our hotel.

"Wow, this place is beautiful" I said in awe

"Yes it is, let's go check in"

We walked into the lobby and checked in with the lady at the front desk. She looked up at Robin and I could that she was on full flirty mode, she adjusted her shirt so her cleavage could be seen and she kept batting her fake eyelashes at him. I felt a twinge of jealousy, but I had no right to be jealous, all we did was confess that we liked each other but it's not like we're dating or anything. 

"I apologize sir but there's only one room available" the lady said looking apologetic

"One room? Are you sure?" he said looking fustrated

"Y-yes sir" the lady said 

"Alright, it's fine, we'll take it"

He turns to me and says "I can take the couch, and you can take the bed"

"Ro- I mean sir, you need your sleep, I can take the couch, plus I'm smaller so I can fit the couch better" I argued

"We'll talk about this later June, we have to head to the convention now"

After we dropped our luggage in our room, he called a taxi to take us to the convention at PcW (the largest company dealing with mergers and acquisitions) 

After spending a couple of hours there, my feet were becoming sore from walking around and greeting others while my wrist hurt as well from taking so many notes. But finally after meeting the last person, we were able to go back to the hotel and order room service and thank god because I was starving. 

"So sir, about the sleeping arrangements, I'll take the couch if you feel uncomfortable with sharing the bed"

"Nonsense June, the couch is probably uncomfortable even if you piled blankets and pillows on it, sharing the bed is fine"

"A-are you sure sir?"

"Yes, now can we stop arguing and go to bed. We can go sightseeing tomorrow"

I gasped and jumped up and down in excitement, " Really? I'm so excited!!" I squealed not caring that I was acting like a little kid on Christmas. His eyes softened at my actions and he pulled me towards him, my hands landing on his chest.

"Your child like behavior is also what I like about you"  he said smiling softly at me

I blushed and looked down, then he surprised me leaning down and capturing my lips in a kiss


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