Chapter five

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Angel's POV

I stared at them wide-eyed.

No no no. That's not good.

The whole room was quiet while they stared at me with concern.

"You shouldn't be running around, little one. You should be in bed, resting."

And the next thing you know they are both hugging me. Again.

The only difference was that one of them picked me up so that my hands and legs are wrapped around him.

I'm like a koala baby holding onto their mommy.



Something is really wrong with me, I should have my head checked.

And would you look at that. They are nuzzling my neck again for the thousandth time.

It's getting annoying already.

I feel like that's all they do.

Hug me and nuzzle my neck, that is.

"So she really is your mate, boys?" came a very excited female voice from somewhere.

Oh, the woman I met was still there?

"Yes mother, that's our little mate."

Oh for heaven's sake, she really is their mother? Dang it, I don't think she'll help me escape.

"So does she know?"

"No, not yet, mom."

"Well, you should tell her. Preferably now or it will be too late."

"We'll take her upstairs and tell her. We will be in our room if you need us."

And with that the twins went towards the stairs with me still in their hold. Wait, that means I'm gonna be alone with them in a room?? Oh no, it won't end well.

I tried to wiggle out of the twin's hold but he held on tighter so that I couldn't move at all.

We went down the same hallway and into the same room I woke up in.

The twin holding me put me on the bed and I scrambled away from them.

They stood on the side of the bed and looked at me.

"We need to tell you something, little one."

"Tell me what?"

"Don't freak out, okay? We won't harm you, we promise. Whatever happens, don't run."

One of them took a big breath and said: "We're werewolves."



What the fudge nuggets are they talking about.

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