Chapter 27

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Angel's POV

You have no idea how hard it was to convince them to let me go back. It took so long that I was actually exhausted from the arguing. I won in the end of course. No one and I repeat NO ONE is going to stop me from going back to my mates.

Getting the phone will be easy like snapping my fingers compared to it.

*fifteen minutes later*

I finally got them to give me a phone so that I can call the twins.

I knew both of their phone numbers by heart so the number part was easy. Now for the calling part.

I pushed the phone to my ear and waited. After a few rings he picked up.

"Alpha Xavier Slade." His voice was void of any emotion but I could hear and almost feel his sadness.

I bit my lip and finally answered.

"Hey Xav."

I could hear him choke on the other end and I hoped he hadn't decided to drink or eat anything at that moment that could stop the air from getting to his lungs.

"Angel? Baby is that you?" There was some rustling on the other end as I could hear how Xander demanded that he put the phone on speaker. Then, when I was sure that they both could hear I answered.

"Yes, it's me."

Upon hearing my confirmation I could hear their growls and whimpers which made my heart clench.

"Where are you? Are you safe? Who took you? I'm going to kill them once I get my hands on them!!"

"I'm somewhere, yes, I'm safe and... um I better tell you who took me once I'm back home and please, don't kill them, there's no need for that."

You could hear them both scoff angrily and growl.

"Of course there is, they took you from us, our mate, our little angel, taken from us."

"Don't you dare growl at me and no, there's no need. I'm coming back home."

That last sentence made them pause their rants.

"You're coming home? When??"

"Soon, very soon."

"We need to see you Angel. We can't wait until tomorrow, our wolves will take over and we'll be feral."

"Okay, we will come as soon as we can and then we'll see each other again. Don't worry about that."

"We? Angel who's that 'we' you're talking about?"

"Well I guess me and my brother and -"

"Your brother? But your brother is here. Actually your whole family is here."

"WHAT?? Why are they there?? Wait, more importantly did you tell them? About you?"

They both sighed heavily and tiredly.

"Yes, we told them. Your brother knew anyway and so we told your parents too."

"What did my parents think about it?"

I could see how Antonio and Alyria perked up at the word 'parents'.

"They didn't really like it at the beginning but when Jaxson found his mate then-"

"Wait wait wait. You wanna say that my brother found a mate??"

Stefan narrowed his eyes at the mention of somebody who was supposedly in other words 'playing his role'.

Love the little one OLD VERSIONOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz