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Jimin's POV

Seeing Choyeon happy is the most beautiful moment in life. If only I could give her the smile she gives to Taehyung. If only she loves me back. If only she didn't meet Taehyung.

"Jiminie, why are you here? I thought you're in paris with Jin and Hoseok." I smiled then looked at her.

"Nah, it's boring being with them and hearing Seokjin-hyung's lame jokes." I lied. Yes, I lied to her.

I'm here in Seoul today because It's my schedule to go to the doctor.

Yes, your guess is right. I'm sick. Not just a typical headache or a fever.


I took lots of tests because I'm vomiting blood and collapsing most of the time. At first, I don't want to go to the hospital because for me, it's just because I'm fatigue.

While waiting for the results, I always open my phone and take a look at Choyeon's picture. It's a childhood picture with me. We're so happy in the picture.

I smiled unconsciously. She's happy, I'm happy. She's sad, I'm sad. She's mad, I'm more mad. Because I love her that much.


Seeing her happy with someone else. It breaks my heart. Mostly when I knew it was Taehyung, his stepbrother. I knew it all along. The way she smile when Taehyung's with us. The way she cry when Taehyung treats her like a trash. The way she's mad when Taehyung's with someone. I witnessed all that. But I ignored all those.

Because I love her.

"Park... Jimin?" I raised my hand when the doctor called out my name. He looks so stressed.

He walks slowly that makes me irritated. When he's in front of me, he sighed in disbelief while looking at the paper which I assumed the results.

"Jimin... You have a healthy body and mind. But when we took the tests... We can't believe you have a stage 3 leukemia."

I laughed nervously. My mom that's quiet a while ago started crying. My dad tried to comfort her but it's useless.

"You sure it's the result to me? Maybe there's an error. I eat 3 times a day and exercise every morning. I eat go, grow and glow foods. I know grow foods don't have effects on me but I'm sure I'm in a good shape. Come on, Maybe there's people in this hospital that have same name as me. The error must be the room number. You should test me again. Come on, go ahead. Take the half of my blood if you have to." I half yelled. My mom's cries went even louder.

"I'm sorry, please excuse u—"

"No! It's just an error! What kind of doctor that makes mistakes when taking a test on me! Fuck!"

Days later, I accepted the truth. Maybe it's really my fate. Maybe this is what I deserved.

"Yah, Choyeon doesn't seem happy in Paris. She also said she's alone." Jin hyung said while shaking his head. And then there came out an idea.

"How about we go there? I'm sure she'll be happy if she sees us." I suggested. They suddenly smiled with my idea.

-End of flashback-

"Jiminie... Jiminie!" I snapped back to reality. I chuckled because she's pouting. Kyeopta.

"Come on, it's lunchtime. We have to it so that we can't catch a disease. And you look quite skinny today. You need to eat more." I bit my lip, holding back my tears. I'm a man and I have to hold back my emotions. But Choyeon treating me this way makes me happy and overwhelming. I wished we stay like this forever.

We're in the cafeteria, eating of course. It's pretty awkward and I hope someone hyper just pop up and eat lunch with us to save the atmosphere.

"Jimin?" I sighed in relief. Thank goodness Jungkook is here..... Wait... what the—

"You call me Jimin hyung, pabo. I'm older than you."

"But shorter than me."

I kicked his knee causing him to winced in pain while glaring at me. I'm still older than him, why can't he be a polite dongsaeng?

"Choyeon? Why are you with this shorty?" I elbowed his tummy but it just makes him giggled.

"He's my bestfriend. I didn't know you and Jimin were REAAAAALLY close." She uttered. Me and Jungkook looked at each other with disgust.

"We're not close. We even barely know each other. Plus, he calls me shorty. What a rude dongsaeng." I shook my head. Jungkook sits beside Choyeon so I stood up then sits between them.

"So Jungkook, what brings you here?"

"Choyeon." He said then waves at her. Choyeon waves back. I just rolled my eyes then blocked their sight from each other.

"Oh, is that so? We're having date here so back off, big nose." Jungkook scoffs then stood up.

"For your info, Choyeon's taller than you. So that's a disadvantage for you. As for me..." He looks at Choyeon then winks and leaves. Choyeon is even blushing what the hell!?

"Show off." I mumbled.


A/N: I'm so confused to myself. I thought more romance is going to come out of my mind but it's all drama. Anyway, saranghaeyo to all of you! 2 updates becuase this is nearly 10K Omg! Hope you like it *hearteu hearteu*

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