All Hallow's Eve

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Danny had been excited for the upcoming party for weeks. The school had arranged a Halloween party for the whole school and it was starting at six o'clock that very evening. They were to go in any costume they wanted as long as it was 'scary'. There would be a competition for best costume and the winner - as decided by Paulina - would be on the A-list for a week.

Sam was going as a zombie bride and Danny was going as her zombie groom. Tucker had agreed to go as the zombie vicar. Sam had covered her skin with bits of white and very light green paints, with black around her eyes and fake blood on her cheek and other areas. She had torn and 'dirty' wedding wear on.

Danny had a torn and 'dirty' tuxedo and the would-be white shirt underneath had fake blood stains and rips that exposed the skin. He had moth eaten gray tie on, again with 'dirt' on it. Tucker wore a costume similar to Danny's but with a torn up and yellowing bible.

They all changed at Danny's house, walking to school in their costumes with smiles upon their faces. They were all making guesses about the 'special surpise' that the school had promised. As they got to the gym they realised that the party hadn't started yet. All the attending students were sat at the sides waiting for something. It was at this point that Mr. Lancer came out into the middle of the room with a microphone.

"Hello students of Casper high! I will now announce your special surprise. Be aware that due to our star quarterback this will be compulsory. No exceptions. I will read out everyone's names and when your name is read out you come to me and receive a small pinch from this machine."

Somewhere in the hoard of students, someone shouted, "what does it do?"

"Good question. It causes you to temporarily look like a ghost! It'll wear off after a few hours." At this Danny paled drastically. He, Sam and Tucker  all started to sweat a little, fear causing their bodies to heat up. Danny began to hyperventilate. They'd find out his identity and they'd kill him and and and and - why was he even worrying? Of course it wouldn't reveal his identity.

"Baxter, Dash" The name calling began.

When, finally, they only had Sam, Tucker and Danny left just about everyone was glowing. The only side-effect seen by the three was that it added a ghostly glow. Although some people had glowing eyes too... Either way, that couldn't expose him as Phantom.

"Manson, Sam"

"Foley, Tucker"

"Fenton, Danny"

Danny walked down the stairs with caution, realising that everyone was staring at him - he was last out. "Lift up your sleeve, Fenton." He did as Lancer asked. All he felt was a light pinch. To him this was a good sign; most ghost related item hurt him. Oddly enough, it went really well.

"Alright guys! The DJ is here and the party has truly begun!" So, indeed, everything was OK.

Danny danced with Sam for a while, before going to get a drink. After grabbing a tiny plastic cup full of lemonade, he sat down at the side of the room. Staring at his glowing hands, he tilted his head in confusion. It had been sunny that day, but he surely wouldn't tan that much in a day? Passing it off as normal, he sat back and watched his dancing class mates. Was it him, or was everyone glowing just a little brighter than before?

Done with his break, he walked back out to the dance floor and danced with Sam yet again. At some point, Tucker had found his way over to dance too. Finally, it was time for the costume contest winner's announcement.

"And the winners are... The zombie wedding! Please, come out?" They stood there for a little before realising it was them. They walked out into the middle of all the students and were given their prizes. Then, just as they were all walking away, someone gasped. Everyone else looked too and soon everyone was whispering to each other and pointing. Pointing at... Danny?

Danny's eyes were no longer pale blue. They were glowing neon green. Not only that, but they caused him to look at little bit like Phantom. In fact, his skin was currently the same colour as Phantom's. Danny realised this and tried to make them blue again, but his powers were acting up. So he tried to pass it off a something else instead. "It's part of the costume guys, they just only started working." The excuse would've worked - it was Amity Park, after all - if his hair hadn't flushed white at that moment. Of course, that caused quite the gasp competition.

"Danny Fentoad is... Phantom?!" Dash's exclamation really kicked it all off. Most of it was shock and a few '"thanks for saving me that time"'s. There were some more interesting reactions, though.

Paulina, for example; "Oh Danny! I think I've finally wrapped my mind around that idea of Paulina Fenton. Want to be my new date?"
Or maybe Mr. Lancer; "is that why you always forgot to do homework, and left the classroom when a ghost appeared? Either way, I want you to stop this reckless endangerment young man!"
Valerie's was pretty nice; "I'm really sorry for hunting you... I guess I dumped you to protect you from yourself? That's a bit funny I guess...?"
Dash seemed pretty much in awe, "Fenton... Are you really Phantom! I love you so much! Join the A-list! Please?"

Yep, a pretty eventful Halloween!

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