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Wow! I was in no way expecting the kind of response I got to that last one. If I don't continue it now it'd feel cruel haha. I figured if I'm starting up again I should do it with the prompt I was given! Thanks!

"Alright, class. Grab your swim-wear from your lockers and meet at the front of school!" Lancer shouts over his students, who burst into conversation the instant the bell sounded. Exasperated, he left for the coach immediately and comfortably settled into his seat with a copy of Everything Everything. Fifteen minutes later, following a lot of ruckus on the bus and several instances of the Fenton's driving dangerously past, they arrived at the swimming baths. With minimal instruction, the students were sent to change.

"Paulina, we already discussed that this is not a fashion show. You are supposed to wear practical swim wear to lessons."

"But Sir I have to, like, add frills or I'll look ugly. Where's your, like, fashion sense?" Too tired to argue, he seated himself on the side and let the swimming instructor take over. So far, only a few students had left the changing rooms. As the students continued to stream out, his frown worsened. Where on Earth was Fenton? Everyone else was ready! He stood, and was about to go into the changing rooms to check, when the student in question came running out, one of few to wear a t-shirt with his swimming shorts.

"Alright everyone, today's lesson will be short and you can have some time to yourselves in the pool afterwards. I want five lengths after you've warmed up then I will give further instruction." And the lesson began. Several times, Dash could be seen dragging people under and splashing at the nerds but nothing was done about it... he was one of the better swimmers - and not one student had the confidence to call him out on it. Danny, for the most part, managed to avoid him. He made sure to be swimming on the opposite side of the pool with Sam and Tucker at any given time and if Dash appeared to be swimming in his direction, he very quickly reacted and began conversing with the instructor. His avoidance of Dash was going very well until the instructor left them alone, aside from the poolside life guard. They were free to do whatever they wanted in the pool until the end of the lesson so of course Dash made a beeline for the trio with a huge smirk.

At first, Dash was only going as far as splashing water at them and calling Danny names - the usual. But then Kwan joined in, grabbing Danny's shoulders and dunking him under the water. As he struggled to get back up, his shirt floated upwards and Kwan caught sight of patterns on his back. Shocked, he let him up. "Fenton... what's on your back?"

"I... don't know what you're talking about?" Dash might have believed him if his hand hadn't reached for his neck.

"You f**king liar, Fenturd! Take your shirt off." And with that, Danny attempted to escape by throwing himself at the railing nearby. Instead, he succeeded in getting himself wedged by Dash against the side of the pool, Sam and Tucker unable to pull the jock off of him. Dark swirls could just barely be seen through Danny's shirt where the water made it stick to his back. "Fine! Then I'll take it off for you, wimp!"

And, a short struggle later, the entire class was gasping at the two. Danny managed to push Dash away but not without losing his shirt. Dark green swirls were inked across his entire back, symbols and illustrations seemingly floating around them. The class was only given a glimpse before Danny pressed his back against the poolside... but that left another tattoo exposed to the class. Right across his heart in black ink. The Danny Phantom symbol... and a date inscribed in delicate, swirling handwriting. Though the class had been speechless at first, they quickly began to gossip, leading Lancer to put his book down and investigate. "Francesca Zappia! What is that on your chest, Fenton?" A moment of silence passed before his eyes widened, "a tattoo. You're a minor. That's illegal here in Minnesota! Get out of the pool now. You're coming straight to my office when we return." Lancer's eyebrow raised angrily when Danny frantically shook his head. "Daniel Fenton. Now!"

"Um... I'd rather no-"


Scooting across the edge of the pool with his back against the walls, Danny left the pool with his back to the class. But having clearly noticed the odd behaviour, Lancer walked out and spun Danny so his back faced the pool. Speechless, he couldn't find the ability to do anything more than gasp. Now with a clear view of the huge tattoo, the other students could see how the thick green swirls were accented with purple lines that dotted, swirled and even formed writing. Several illustrations of what appeared to be floating islands overlapped with the swirls, each one holding words or symbols of their own. There were hundreds, some small, some large, those observing thought they could almost see them... moving. Passing it off as an optical illusion, they scanned their eyes over it. Burning crown, clock, dog toy, castle... and so many more...

"Whelp I'm just going to... uh... yeet!" Danny shouted, scrambling to hide himself in the changing rooms. Sam and Tucker ran after him, ignoring the shouts as someone tried to remind them it was the men's changing room. When the other students left the pool, they found that the three had left. They were already on the coach when they reached it and with Lancer's stern warning that Danny was to go to his office, none of them deemed it necessary to speak to them. The class got off the coach louder than usual, gossiping with one another vigorously.

Danny never did show up at Lancer's office. And though Sam and Tucker were in everyday, Danny was absent from classes for the following week. When he finally turned up at school, the class was dumbfounded to find the tattoo itself... not there. As if it had never existed in the first place.

Only the trio would be aware that the tattoo had been a result of Danny's powers and with the week's training had been controlled. And makeup does wonders, of course.

I hope you like it! I've not written for a while and I don't really know my style anymore so I realise it's quite different. Hopefully if I read over a few of the other one shots I wrote I can recover my old style a little bit since that's what everyone is here for 😁

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2020 ⏰

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