1. A F T E R M A T H

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Every muscle in her body pounded with tiredness. She'd been resisting for what felt like forever. She had nothing left in her. She was sure she had broken bones and she was bleeding heavily from several different places. Her head had been smacked against the concrete so many times she was barely still conscious. Her clothes were torn and her dignity had been stolen from her.

She could've sworn she heard a door open and close. She heard footsteps! She ignored her pain as best she could and used any energy she had left to scream. It came out as a rather pathetic squeak, but nevertheless, she heard a new voice.

She couldn't make out what anyone was saying or much of what was happening but none of the men who had been holding her down and forcing her legs open had a grip on her anymore. She rolled onto her side and let out a throaty cry. That position made everything feel a thousand times worse.

"My God."

Lily began coughing, still on her side. She was gasping for air. A pair of arms picked her up and held her upright, hands pulled her hair away from her face. She puked out a murky coloured sludge a few times in a row before her eyes fell shut.


A / N

This is the version of chapter one I'm actually happy with. This book is currently being rewritten. But don't worry, it's not going anywhere.

Chapter two will be up this month.

- Lily

the art of discipline.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora