Chapter 4: The Runaway Plan

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The beating of my heart doubled and my sweat turned ice cold as he waved the book in front of me. My eyes were glued at the silver tie on the cover of the book.

This is fucking bad news.

"If you're wondering, all Aphrodite kids are required to read and memorize every.single.line."

His mom must be this dumb to make her children read a strictly for mommies "fantasy" book.

And my God, this guy is just fourteen and he's required to read that book!? I didn't even bothered to read it when I saw it in my mom's closet!

Yeah, for some odd reason my mom has one. Don't ask, even I can't think of an answer. I ain't give a damn about anything involving that "topic" so I just returned it casually in my mom's safe.

It's just...yuck...

Jaxon's eyebrows furrowed as he read the randomly selected page from the book. His grip on the book tightened, causing wrinkles to form on the pages.

Is he angry?

"Geez, this guy here has no art." He stated, voice kinda angry. Okay, he is angry...


Art? That thing is art?!

What the fuck!?

Jaxon looked at me straight in the eye and sighed.

"If you're wondering this is not corn, minus c add p. This is just fantasy writing. Or even a humor book." He grumbled. He's clearly not a fan of the book. " Love is art, this is not love, it's something else."

Way to spot the obvious fact Dr.Love, what else will you notice about it?

He looked at me again, from foot to head. I made a gulping sound.

What the heck is he thinking?

"Well obviously you don't fit the usual standards..." he muttered while looking at me.

I swear, with those color shifting eyes of his...he's like looking through me. And it's creepy as hell.

My whole body flinched at the sound of a book slammed on the floor. The sound of his breathing picked up speed as I felt queasy by the second.

Jaxon apparently flung the book across the room with remarkable force. It landed straight on the ground, making a cloud of dust.

This guy is seriously not in a good mood right now. I could really feel it in the air.

He walked towards me, his eyes were a shade of pure black darkness. The hairs on my neck stood up as I felt his now icy breath tickling my face.

I feel so weird right now.

"So..." he whispered, making me stop thinking too much. I want to think of a way to escape, but he's in a demon mode right now. Those black eyes don't look so friendly.

Jaxon made me lie on the bed and his body was just inches above mine's. He got an animal-like stare that made me shudder.

He is seriously creepy right now.

"Let's do this...shall we?" He whispered seductively.

I tried forcing myself to scream but the charmspeak spell was too strong. I can't break it!

Jaxon is now only a few centimeters away from me CENTIMETERS ONLY.


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