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To anyone who is still reading this then i applaud you for still reading. But I'm sorry I will delete this soon.

Yes, let me repeat this: I WILL DELETE THIS STORY SOON.

I will republish this book, but it will be much more "clean" and I will not make it a fan fiction anymore. I love Greek mythology more than anything so I'll make my own plot. My plans for this is quite original to be honest but I mistakenly put this up as fan fiction. Then this became restriced. But whatever, I'll still delete it. (or maybe not~)

I also don't like this anymore, I wrote this back in the stage of my life werein I was too sadistic and very "bad" so I really want to rewrite this into something "cleaner". I enjoyed writing in Sam's point of view very much, and I also loved the characters in this book surprisingly even if it was for a short while.

If anyone still wants me to write this story I'm sorry but I've made up my mind.

So thank you for the support and all that. This is the end of the original BADS. Next time it will be much more awesome, I promise.

I'll put the link in the comments section below the new and cleaner version of this story once I've published it for those who are still interested.

Well, bye.

Being A Demigod Sucks! [ON HOLD]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang