The Refuge

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They pushed themselves to move quickly, without taking breaks, to make up for time lost in captivity. By early evening, all sound in the forest died away. Nerys could not even hear the rustle of the wind through the leaves.

"Dadien, there's something wrong," she said.


"I don't know. It's just so... quiet now."

She checked behind them for the dozenth time, unable to shake the eerie feeling that crept up her spine.

"It's fine" he said. "We're in the Dead Wood. It means we're getting close to where we need to be."

"That doesn't sound 'fine.' It feels wrong here."

"People think it's haunted, so most avoid it. That's why it's the perfect place for us to hide. It is so quiet because the plants here are odd. They all absorb sound, even the grass. There is nothing ominous or unnatural going on."

Nerys examined a nearby bush. Though the leaves were a lush green, they were as soft, thin, and fuzzy as mouse ears. Despite the explanation, her sense of unease deepened with the shadows, and she was relieved when they finally came to a little hut.

"This way." Dadien led her around the bac1' to a knotty old tree. He reached his hand into a hole, and a moment later, a stone slab at the base of the hut slid aside to reveal a staircase.

"After you," he said.

Nerys cautiously began following the staircase. She could hear Dadien descend behind her, and then the slab slid shut, leaving them in complete darkness.

"Hold on," Dadien said

A moment later, a lamp on the wall lit up. Then another one a little further ahead. Then another. Soon, the staircase was completely illuminated to reveal a heavy, door at its base. He produced a key, and, told Nerys to wait while he checked the chamber. Moments after he disappeared, the golden glow poured from the doorway.

"Can I come in now?" she asked.

He blocked the door with a devious grin.

"What's the password?"

Nerys beckoned him close and placed and whispered, "I have all the food."

"Well, then, by all means..." he stepped aside and threw his arm out grandly. "Welcome to my chateau."

The room seemed to be nearly the same size to the hut above them. There was a small, elegant table with four chairs on one side, and a spacious bed on the other. Shelves stocked with books and tools lined the walls, and there was a water pump and basin near the table.

"What's wrong with the upstairs?" Nerys asked. Dadien was just finishing bolting them in.

"Anyone could come across it in the night. Hunters and the occasional lost soul wander through from time to time. Even though people avoid the forest, the hut's location is far from secret. Being the wanted man I am, I had the cellar fixed so that I could sleep soundly. We can stay here in complete comfort and security. An army could trample through up there and burn it to the ground, but they would never find this place," he said proudly. "The better question is: what do we do now that we're here— all alone?"

He slipped the bag off of her shoulder and let it drop to the ground.

"I don't know about you," he said leaning in close, "But, I could use a little... refreshment."

Nerys backed away from his ambitious grin.

"Then we should get cleaned up and eat."

She dodged around his reach, snatching up her bag as she went, and began unpacking.

"I was only teasing! Unless you change your mind."

He winked suggestively.

"I'm sure I wont," she replied, keeping her focus on her task.

"What happened between you and Aimery last night?" Dadien's sudden, unprompted question caused Nerys to drop the bag to the floor once more.

"Why do you ask?"

Her response came out off-pitch, validating Dadien's suspicion.

"You two seemed quite familiar with each other, and from the looks of his face, 'the last time he trusted you' wasn't far in the past."

"I met him once before the ball, a couple of years ago during Festival. I didn't even remember it at first. While you were trying to take on the brute squad, he told me how he felt about me, and I head butted him and broke his nose."

"Sounds like something you would do," Dadien smirked. "Why was his face that close to yours?"

"I... ah... tried to seduce him."

Nerys was aware of how ridiculous it sounded before she even said it.

"You? Really?" Dadien burst out laughing. "I wish I could have seen that. What did you say? Oh, Aimery! I've just been waiting for someone like you to come along and rescue me from this terribly charming, handsome prince."

A smile tugged at the corner of Nerys's lips, and, the harder she tried to stifle it, the more impossible the task seemed. Dadien fluttered his eyelashes at her.

"Kiss me, my hero!" he declared in an obnoxious falsetto, flinging his arms wide and rushing toward her. Nerys could not contain her laughter as she darted away, putting the large bed between them before she found herself doubled over and wiping tears from her face.

"You sound just like Kalea!" The realization stopped her laughter instantly.


"You remind me of my friend." Nerys said. "She never took anything too seriously. Gereon had her killed before he took me from the Esidiem."

She sat on the edge of the bed as memories of that day flooded back to the forefront of her thoughts, and bit down on her lip to dampen the sharp jab to her heart with tangible, iron-flavored pain.

Dadien stopped laughing as well, and sat down beside her.

"Our brothers will suffer for what they have taken from us."

"I wanted revenge, at first. Now, I just want to make sure no one else gets hurt because of me," Nerys said. "How do I stop this?"

"I don't know. I wish Trygve was here. I could always depend on him to figure these sorts of things out." Dadien paused. "How did he know the truth about you?"

"He came to Ithaam to find me," Nerys said. "My mother, the one in Tiarmn, sent him to protect me when she found out I was in the Esidiem."

"I'm glad she did." Dadien said. "He was a good man."

"Yes," Nerys said with a sudden sob. "He was."

Days unable to grieve Trygve's loss had formed a tight knot in her chest that sent her mind hurtling into darkness as it now sprang loose. The scent of warm linen and sea salt seeped through the void between her body and mind, anchoring her to her senses while she drifted amongst the flotsam of memories and regrets.

Somewhere far away, hours — or perhaps days, weeks, years— later Nerys could hear a deep, gentle voice murmur a lilting melody. The song hummed through her body, stirring her to near-consciousness as it lodged itself in her mind.

    "Let the glory of the sunlight fail
    To shine on mount and meadow deep;
    And cold moonlight remain unveiled
    To keep me in my troubled sleep.
    For in restless dreams my love remains
    My love, throughout the dark unknown.
    I'll hold dear the lies that light disdains
    For I am weary of lying alone."

She was vaguely aware of the weight of an arm draped over her and fingers firmly entwined with her own. Nerys sighed and nestled herself deeper into the curve of his body. The singing halted.

"Don't stop," she mumbled groggily. "It's a lovely song, Trygve."

The arm tightened around her, hugging her closer as she faded into a dream that felt something like home.

Dadien sang.

"I am weary of lying alone..."

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