The Stone

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Brookstone sat in the shadow of the great mountain range that separated Ithaam from Cerebes. Unlike the seamless white walls of Aele, it was comprised of storm grey buildings with azure roofs. Bodies bumped and wove along in the crowded streets and alleys while merchants and food vendors competed for gold coins.

The city fell silent as the afternoon drizzle became a torrent. Nerys and Dadien kept hoods of their soaked cloaks about their faces as they ducked into the tavern that Tanek had entered hours earlier. His rumbling laugh rose from the bar where a bosomy maid sloshed ale into massive tankards and slid them carelessly to rowdy patrons. Tanek slapped one of them men on the back, causing ale to splash into the ruddy-faced man's lap. He laughed and returned the gesture before draining his tankard and tossing it back to the maid.

"That's a captain of the city watch. You can tell by the brass pin on his collar. Looks like he is well distracted," Dadien said, heading toward a table at the opposite side of the crowded room. "But we'll give them a bit of space and wait for Tanek's signal to go to our room."

A thickly muscled hand took hold of Nerys's arm and yanked her up from the table. Dadien leapt to his feet.

"Release her!" Dadien commanded.

"You'd sit back down if you knew what was good for you, boy. I've paid for the whole evening in advance."

The hand belonged to a man who was twice Dadien's size, wearing a thick leather vest over chainmail, and speaking with a pronounced accent. His hair was cut close to his skull, and almost as silvery as his eyes. He might have been handsome, in a rugged sort of way, in his youth, but his stony expression and misaligned nose gave Nerys the impression that a blind sculptor had formed the man after a long night of drinking.

"My friends and I were waiting for her to return with our ale, but it seems you snatched her up for yourself."

"I'm sure you've got the wrong girl. My bride and I just got here. Her cloak is still wet from the storm!" 

"I'd be more inclined to believe you, friend, if she didn't have a bag full of my gold on her person," the man replied. He reached into Nerys's cloak and produced a leather bag as big as his hand that jingled noisily as he shook it.

The surrounding tables were now audience to the situation, and Nerys looked anxiously in Tanek's direction. He was still busy distracting the watch Captain. 

"This is ridiculous! You obviously just planted that." Dadien reacted toward his dagger. "Take your hands off of my wife."

"Are you calling me a liar? Not a smart choice."

The man nodded toward a group of men that had closed in on the table with the onlookers. They were all similarly garbed in mail, and heavily armed.

"You're going to let go of that knife now, and slowly raise your hands to your ears. If you feel so strongly about the girl, you are welcome to wait until morning. She's all yours as soon as my business with her is done."

Dadien's face was rigid, except for the angry twitch just below his left eye

"Your money would be better spent on any other girl," Dadien said in a low, careful tone as he slowly complied. "There are far prettier ones who are much cheaper, and more experienced."

"I appreciate the recommendation, but I've a very particular set of interests that only this lass can meet." Nerys pulled against his grip and he laughed. "Easy, sweetheart, save your energy; you have a long night ahead you."

The derisive laughter of the onlookers revealed to Nerys her true disadvantage. The men could drag her out kicking and screaming, and no one would intervene on her behalf because half of the tavern witnessed the alleged payment being found in her possession.

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