The Bride

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    Through her golden veil, Nerys could clearly see the four men who would carry her litter. They lifted her easily and the great doors of the palace were thrown open. Sunlight, a cacophony of music, and thousands of voices surrounded her. Children darted through the streets and tossed flowers from fresh green baskets under the litter-bearer's feet. The crowds parted as the litter was carried through the streets, falling back into place once she had passed and following in a great wave of bodies.

    As they neared the temple, a second procession merged with her own with the litter bearing her groom at its head. They left the mass of people behind at the temple steps, and the litters ascended alone, with only the Song of Union rising from the crowd to join them. It was an old song, as old as the gods themselves, and not a single voice fell out of key.
The song followed them to the entrance of the temple, a white stone cave whose mouth was marvelously adorned with intricate carvings and tiny tiles made from the pearly insides of shells that glistened white with restless streaks of shimmering blue, purple, and gold. It ceased abruptly as the litters were set just inside the cave.

Handmaids were waiting to assist her out of the litter. They adjusted her veil, making sure it completely covered the draped, off-shoulder sleeves of the silver gown beneath. The dress was gathered and fastened at her waist. The skirt flowed like water over her hips and embroidered with swirling ocean waves created from spider-silk fine gold thread.

Her attendants positioned her beside Gereon and the two of them proceeded forward into the darkness together. They were to approach as one, but were not allowed to speak, touch, or even look at one another until the union was complete.

    As her eyes adjusted, the shadows of the structures' shape separated from the deeper darkness and a path to the temple's inner sanctum became discernible. A dim light grew before them as they walked, spreading until the darkness gave way to a brilliant glow that filled the inner sanctum. Daylight emanated from the crystals that formed the ceiling, walls, and floor of the temple. The glowing ground seemed to ripple about them in a pool of cool water as they moved deeper into the chamber.

    When it reached their waists, a whispering chant of the priestesses halted their steps. The sound filled the chamber, though the source of it was as untraceable as the light.

    A woman emerged on a stone formation before them. Her flowing gown was like a flame dancing about her in glowing red, gold, orange, blue, and white. The whispers dimmed so that her voice could be heard above them.

    "Let your union be as the sacred pool that surrounds you; pure, and held in reverence in the sanctuary of your hearts." The priestess cupped her hands at her waist, and raised them above her head. Nerys mirrored her movements; dipping her cupped hands into the water and raising them so that it fell back down over her in drops that left burnished streaks in the light gold of her veil. She could hear the soft drops of water beside her as Gereon performed the same motions.

    "Bind yourselves in the light of the gods. Passionate Aloysius and selfless Martyr to guide your love. Generous Teliad and wise Gamirrah to guide your rule."

    Nerys turned toward her groom, but kept her gaze averted as he removed her veil and wound the material about first her left wrist, then his right. Only when he had finished and released the remaining length of gold to float between them did they allow their eyes to meet.

    "You are forever bound as one, as are your kingdoms. Your people await you. May you lead them with the light and purity that you now share."

    The priestess retreated back into the light and the whispered chant rose to a crescendo. Gereon laced his fingers between hers and they began their journey back. The darkness was less intense with the entrance before them, and two small children waited with garlands to place around the newlyweds' necks as they emerged. Gereon raised their bound hands triumphantly to the cheers of the throng before them.

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