5: Holly and Questions

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JASON'S LIPS TASTED like Powerade, which made total sense since we were drinking Powerade. No other taste. His lips were warm and felt as soft as silk. The way he would rest my bottom lip between his before pulling them with his teeth sent shivers down my back.

I couldn't react well by then cause the only thing I did was move my lips. He stopped and looked into my eyes.

"First kiss?" He asked.

"Yeah. Should I be embarrassed?" I said. He smiled. "No," he answered. "Wait?! You just kissed me?!" I said. "I think so," he said with a short laugh. He did! Jason kissed me! "But we barely met!" I was totally confused. "I like to be straight-forward. In other words, I like things to move fast," he simply explains. "But—." "We should head back cause we have 8 minutes left," Jason said standing up. I stood up and measured our height difference without him noticing and of course he had to be taller.

When I walked to class everyone stared at me. "What took you so long, Lucas?" The teacher asked. "Umm... lunch made me have diarrhea," I said. The only thing that came to my mind. "Oh," the teacher simply said with a face of disgust. I remained quiet. "Grab your things and go, but this better not happen again," she warned. "Don't get mad at me. Get mad at the lunch ladies," I said to her. I grabbed my things just as the bell rang. "Holly!" I yelled when I saw her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes playfully.

"What, Lucky?" She asked. "Lucky?" I said. "New nickname. What do you want?" She said. "I did it," I whispered in her ear. Her eyes widen and she jumped back. "Bitch, I did it more than twice already," she said. "I thought you rarely kissed anyone?" I asked her. Her bragging face faded and the awkward face appeared. "Wait, you aren't talking about... you know..." she said demonstrating penetration with her fingers. "Sex? What?! No! I meant kiss," I said in disgust. She smiled with an apologetic face.

"Changing topic. Who did you kissed?" Holly said. "Jason," I said proudly. She looked at me with eyes wider than before. "He's ga -," I interrupted her, "Whisper!" She nodded. "Jason is gay?!" she whispered in disbelief. "I guess," I said. "I always thought he was straight. I mean, he never dated girls only once, but that was in 7 grade and only lasted a week," Holly said in confusion. "Holly, what if he kissed me to prove if he was gay... or if it was a prank?" I asked. "You shouldn't take him serious for now unless he proves you he really likes you," Holly advices. "I will," I said before walking to my locker. I opened it and found a sticky note. It said:


Meet me in our secret place (under the football field bleachers) after school.

Your hot jock, Jason.

I smiled to myself like a dumb girl. But I wasn't expecting to kiss him or anything romantic. I was going to get the truth out of him. I needed it.


Boring chapter :/ but it'll get better...

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