{Chap 3} ~BATMAN!!~

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Chapter 3 Batman

"Hey I'm getting tired ,how about we spread and look for pajamas?" Liam asks

"Yah, and we meet here in 10. After we look for beds." Louis says

" Honey, Its the mall, I know where there's beds for display" I say and pat Louis's back. And they all chuckle. " Well then see you in 10." Gabe says, and us girls, leave arm in arm.

( BM= Bat man so I Don't have to write it allot)

I grabbed a BM tank top, BM shorts (which have yellow hems and the BM lego and the back has BATMAN on it) a yellow headband and BM slippers.

Gabriella had on a tank top (light blue, and says PARTY ANIMAL with the cookie monster in da middle) shorts that a bunch cookie monsters (blue) cookie monster slippers and a blue bow on her head.

Yazmin got yet another tank top (surprise, surprise) that says free hugs { like Niall} and different shades of light blue pants.

Soon enough we were all dressed "Really, Amber, really?" Yazmin says " Yup" I say confidently " Well just saying I like your pajamas too. And you Gabe!" I say " Thanks" they say

We walked back to our 'Meeting place', and we sat on the rem of a fountain. "Slow-pok-" I say and then I spot them......

Louis had on footsies of superman... Me and the girls burst laughing while he was pouting.

" What...... ar... are ... you ..wearing........ Louis??!" I say between laughs. "Eyyyy, I looked hard for this!!" He protested

FYI besides Louis, Zayn had on gray and red checkered pants. Harry had on gray sweat pants, Liam same thing as Harry but black. And Niall had on sweat pants but had little leprechauns dancing next to a pot of gold and a double rainbow.

As I look at Niall I got serious and do an amused face and slowly crawl to his pants, while gasping. "DoUbLe RaInBoW!!!" I say and point to them while my legs are crissed crossed and hes left leg in the center.

They all laugh at my reaction, I then hug his leg " I like double rainbows." I mumble and do a smug smile while closing my eyes.

"Ummmm... Amber I kinda have to walk" he points out

"Your strong right?" I ask my bum on his foot and my arms hugging his legs tightly.

He laughs and trys to,but fails. "I bet this little leprechaun could lift me on his foot." I say and point to the little leprechaun on his leg. "If you bum could fit on his leg" He says like a smart ass. I looked at him with my 'ButtFace' and he laughs. Asshole.

"Fine, fine." I say. I get up notice Harry looks away and Zayn he's just looking away, jeez jealous much?

"Come my little leporcaun friend... And the guy your attached to." I say smartly and smirk at Niall as we skip to the a store that sells beds.

We skip to the beds and I let go to belly flop on a batman king sized bed. " I'm in heaven I say and my smile quickly fades when I see... A SUPERMAN KING BED NEXT TO ME!! "Ello babe." Louis says as he lands perfectly on his bed posed with one hand on his hip and the other holding his head.

I narrow my eyes at him and scream into a small yellow pillow.

I turn back to him and he's smirking. Dick.

I sit up and relise... there's only 4 beds yet there's 8 people!! Freak-a-holy! Okay so I called the BatMan bed, Louis called the SuperMan bed, Zayn called the black, white and light brown bed, and Gabe called the Hello Kity bed.

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