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The weekend passed slowly with a lot of tension between Mum and I. I think she could tell I was upset with her, I could tell she wasn't too happy herself. But that's how we were the whole weekend, and that's how we passed the time. By not being happy, and basically ignoring the boys.

School was going to be fun or at least not bad, I could tell. I always had good classes on Mondays, art, english, media and drama. Though drama didn't always make it on my 'good subject' list, it did today. I felt like getting up and being a bit dramatic. Especially after the weekend I'd had.

I was putting my bag into my locker, ready for the bell to go so I could grab my books and head to media, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I ignored it for a second, finishing shoving the strap of my bag into the too small locker, before spinning around to confront the person who dared annoy me. I opened my mouth to say something but my words caught when I saw Jamie looking at me, her hand poised, ready to poke me again. She dropped her arm.

"Uh, um, hi. Cary." I blinked, surprised that she was talking to me. Not because I didn't think she would, or that she would be too scared. But because, I didn't get talked to by other students.  I was normally just ignored.

"Hi." She seemed unbothered by the lack of tone in my voice. "How did you know my name?" I frowned as I said this. It normally happened. I never really knew any-ones name, but it seemed that everyone knew mine. It was a little unnerving.

"Oh. I heard Charlie and her gang talking about you. I figured it was you anyway." I raised a brow as she tugged on a loose strand of hair that had fallen from her ponytail. Her collar was up. That was gonna piss me off.


"I-I was just wondering . . . " She seemed to have heard my boredom. I wasn't too fussed with the conversation so far. I was kind of hoping she'd hurry up and get to the point already. "If, um, you'd have lunch with me? This today? I mean, lunchtime . . . today?" She stumbled over her words and her cheeks flushed as she fought herself to correct her sentence. I tilted my head slightly as I considered her proposal. It would be nice to not sit on my own for once, but if I sat with Jamie, I might be labelled as gay. I figured though it didn't matter. I was already called a slut.

"Sure." I nodded to her.

"Oh, that's okay . . . I'll just- Wait? What?" Her mind caught up with what I'd said, instead of what she'd apparently imagined I'd say. I smirked.

"I said sure Sweet Cheeks, is that okay?" I kept the smirk in place as my mind screamed, Why? Why did you say that you idiot! I wasn't sure where I'd gotten 'Sweet Cheeks' from, but decided the name suited her. She was kinda cute when she blushed. The afore mentioned blush deepened, turning her cheeks from a dusting of pink, to an inking of red. I'd embarrassed her.

"Um." There was a tiny smile, though I missed the meaning of it. "Great. I'll see you at lunch then?" I nodded in reply,

"Yeah." Before turning back to my locker in time for the bell to go. I took my books, and looked in time to see Jamie brush her hand across her cheeks, and turn to go. The blush still as red as ever, and that small smile widening. I wasn't too sure, but I felt like I'd just made her day. Pretty sad if you only had to agree to sit with her to make her day.

Throughout the whole of media, I barely listened to the teacher go on about interpretations, and photography, and games. Instead, my thoughts wandered onto Jamie. I spent the lesson analysing every detail concerning her. Not necessarily every detail about Jamie, but the feelings she brought about in me. I still saw her as that easy to miss pretty, but the memory of her face was more vibrant in my mind, as though my eyes had taken a photo, and forgotten to delete it like every other face I saw through out every day. I wondered why she seemed so happy to sit with me at lunch, maybe she never sat with anyone, and was glad to have company? I had no idea. I had to admit though, I was pretty happy myself to not be sitting alone.

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