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Jamie POV

“Mum, there’s nothing wrong with it.”

“Don’t you give me that bull Jamie, it is absolute dust if they think they are going to replace me with that good for nothing nigga girl.”

“You shouldn’t call them that.”

“Oh, so, what? They can call me white trash but I can’t call them nigga?”

“If you weren’t so rude to them they’d have no reason to call you that!”

“Are you taking that black bitch’s side over your own Mother’s?” I groaned and covered my head with a throw pillow. “Look at me when I speak to you young lady. I can’t believe how rude you are to me, why can’t you be more like your cousin? Telli never plays up for Haley.”

“That’s because Haley is your s-sister and she wants to be better than you. She likes to use Telli to do that. Besides, Telli’s just a goody two shoes.”

“Don’t speak about your cousin that way.” Mum glared at me, her cheeks were red, and her hands were shaking in the same way they always did when she got passionate during a rant about whatever group of people she suddenly has a problem with. Last month it was Spanish people she hated, this month she’s continuing on with last Christmas’ hate on black people. I personally didn’t see the problem. We all have the same coloured blood, and we all have the same quirks. What was wrong with people being different?

A couple of months ago, Mum had sat down to watch the news and they were covering a story on gay marriage. Well, Mum went right off, apparently, according to Mum, loving the same gender is ‘unnatural’ and she wouldn’t listen to me when I told her that there was plenty of evidence to suggest otherwise. Like wild animals trying to mate with the same sex.

It was the reason I’d tried so hard for her to not find out I was gay. So far I’d succeeded, but I was smart enough to know she’d find out eventually. Especially if this infatuation with Cary went any further.

“Are you listening to me?” She was in my face, to an outsider, anyone might think Mum was abusive, but she’s not, she just yells a lot and throws her weight around.

“Sorry Mum, I’m hungry, ah-I need to get ready for school.” She pulled back and shook her head, muttering a ‘so disrespectful’ under her breath. I didn’t bother commenting, I knew it’d only start another batch of yelling.

I stood up and inched past her, going up to my room so I could shower and get dressed. I’d already eaten breaky, it had just been the first excuse to get away that had popped up in my mind.

Stupid Mum. Why can’t you just rant to your mirror? Or find a boyfriend or something, or just anyone else. Stop ranting at me, I don’t care.

I grabbed the summer dress from my cupboard, not bothering to check the weather report. When I turn up at school freezing my butt off, I could blame not it on not checking the weather. I refused to wear the winter uniform, if I wasn’t allowed to wear pants, there was no way I was going to wear the quilt. So dress it was.

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