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Cary’s POV

“Me? You won’t just desert me will you? C’mon, I’m your best cuz! You said you love me!” Jamie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, waiting impatiently for the lady to waddle up the hallway. She wasn’t exactly the smallest of people, so waddle seemed to be a fitting term for her walk I thought.

“Telli Dante, you are in big trouble young lady!” It wasn’t the first woman’s voice. I looked around her to see another lady, similar features, but thinner.

“Hi, Mum. Aunty Chelsea.”

“Hey peeps.” I grinned when Jamie spun around with a glare that screamed ‘shut it!’

“Hey Aunty Haley, long time no see huh?”

“Hi Jamie, it has been hasn’t it. Is this your friend?” You could hear an underlying tone of anger in the woman’s, Haley’s, voice.

“Yeah. Mum, Aunty Haley, this is Cary.” This is Cary. Just, this is Cary?

“Nice ta meet you both.” I put on a fake, southern bell accent that failed horribly, just to annoy Jamie and bring that blush back. I wasn’t one for meeting strangers usually, so I ignored these two new people, and focused on annoying Jamie. The tactic seemed to be working.

“Cary.” Warning.

“Jamie.” Yup. I could still pull off that tone.

“Gah, you’re impossible. So, Mum, Telli break your vase did she?”

“Don’t Jamie, I don’t want to hear it.”

“But you said Telli was perfect Mum.” I frowned, and rolled my eyes. I’ll ask what she’s talking about later, right now I’m hungry.

“Hey, I’m gonna wait at the table Jamie, I’ll see you there yeah?” I waited until I saw her nod, and walked off. Though, with a glance at my watch, I knew the bell’d probably go before she met me at the table.


The bell did go before I saw Jamie again, and right now, sitting in English, I was starting to wish it wasn’t too late for one of us to swap classes, and share some. I didn’t have anyone in any of my classes that I was friends with (I didn’t have any friends so you already knew this), but I did have one or two people I could at least talk to. Sadly, English wasn’t one of those classes. The session was a bit of a bore, and I was glad when the bell went so I could get to my next class; math. I didn’t like math by far (who does?) I didn’t understand the point of learning stupid stuff you were never going to use in your life anyway. I’d even asked a teacher once, what the point of figuring out x=3 was, and she’d said she really had no clue. She’d never had to use it before other than to teach it. And even then, she only told us what her book told her. But anyway, I was glad to get to math, because it meant one hour closer to lunch, one hour closer to seeing Jamie again. I was getting a little worried about the way I saw Jamie. Especially with what I’d said earlier. I’d basically asked her to be my girlfriend! I’m not even gay! I’d been teasing Charlie really, but what if Jamie thought I was being serious? What if she really does have a crush on me, and thought that what I’d said meant I liked her too? It’s not as if I don’t like her, I do, just not in that way. I don’t think I like her in that way. If I did, I really didn’t want to be teased about it. But that’s a bit mean isn’t it? My only friend in this town is gay, and I’m worrying about people calling me gay. I feel like such a bitch.

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