Horrifying new start (12)

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Chapter 12


He left quickly and darted out of the woods. I sat there thinking what to do. Then it hit me.

I managed to fight the door open just enough to get through. I ran through the woods. Searching for some sign of life.

I ran maybe three miles and took a five minute break to take a breath. I was so tired.

“Come on Sam,” I muttered to myself, then took off running again. 

To my surprise. I came to a road a mile later. It was pretty empty. Only a car or two would pass every other minute.

I would have to hitchhike. I stuck out my thumb and waited. Several cars passed me. But finally one stopped.

“Yes ma’am?” The man in a black car called out his window.

“Are you heading north?”

“Yes ma’am”

“May I ride with you. My mom is expecting me” I told him. 

I rode. Nervous that I was getting kidnapped. But worse has happened. He was nice. He talked about his wife and child. He said he was worried that some bad person would pick me up. Because something like that happened to his friend’s sister.

“So what are you doing all the way down here?” He asked.

“My friend and I were traveling. But I’m homesick. So he took the.. Car and I said I would find a way home”

“That’s awfully brave. And stupid”

“I know. I haven’t seen my mom in months” I slipped. 

“Months? Wow”

“Yeah. But its all cool”

“Are you hungry?”

“A little. But I’m fine. You don’t have to stop. I have no money”

“Its fine. I’m starving myself. We can stop and go through a drive threw”

“Thanks. Sir”

“My name’s Walter”

“Thank you Walter. My name’s Sam”  

We traveled for an hour till we finally reached within six miles of my house. I told him he 

didn’t need to drop me off at my house. I can walk.

I started running at first. I saw houses that look familiar. I laid down in the grass to rest for a minute. But I was so excited that I didn’t rest for long. 

I was almost there. I ran so fast it felt like I didn’t touch the ground. My feet were crying and my lungs were aching. But finally I could see the house.

I ran to the door and knocked. 

The car was in the driveway. So she was home. While I  waited. I looked at the yard. There was a for sale sign. I frowned. She was selling the house?

I knocked this time.

“Coming” She called. 

The door opened slowly.

She stood there and looked at me for a second. Her eyes were the size of meatballs. She was as still as a statue. 

“Mom” I muttered. And gave her a huge hug.

“Sam?” She choked. 

“Its me mom” I told her. Nearly in tears.

“Baby. Is that really you?”

Horrifying New Start (Book I)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon