Horrifying new start (17)

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Chapter 17


I must have been out for hours. It was 7am. I’ve been asleep for 13 hours? I rolled over to see that Zack wasn’t there. I frowned then headed downstairs. 

He was in the kitchen. Cooking breakfast. Biscuits and gravy with eggs on the side.

I snuck up behind him.

“Morning” I greeted.

He turned and smiled at me. He just looked at me. Like he didn’t know what to say. 

I got on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck. Then kissed him. 

I know. I know. My kidnapper. But look at it this way. He loves me I think. And he’s the father of my baby girl. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me back. Then we heard a door open from upstairs. Jack’s up.

We both pulled away. Then moved to the opposite sides of the room. 

“Good morning” Jack said as he entered the room. Then he stopped when he looked at Zack.  “What are you so happy about?” He questioned. 

Zack’s eyes darted to me for half a second. Then back at Jack. Jack looked at me for a minute. Then back at Zack. His eyes went back and forth between us. Then he rolled his eyes. And left. Weirdo. Then I laughed.

“Well I’m going to get dressed and brush my teeth. Sorry for that. That probably tasted awful” I told Zack.

“Not at all. It was sweet” He walked over to me and pulled my chin to his face. Kiss!

I smiled against his lips. Then pulled away. Reminding him of my tasks. 

“Food will be ready in ten minutes” He told me. 

I walked out of the kitchen towards the stairs. Then was stopped by a person blocking me. 

“Jack” I complained.

“Is something going on between you and Zack?” He asked me directly. Reading my eyes as if I was about to lie.

“Maybe” I muttered. Okay. I wasn’t sure myself if there is something between us. 

“What do you mean by maybe?” 

“We’ve kissed a few times… what does it matter to you?” I questioned.

He looked around the room. Then back at me.

“Well I thought of us as the three amigos. And just didn’t want anything bad to happen” 

That doesn’t make any sense. I rolled my eyes and shoved against him to there stairs.

(In the kitchen)

Zack was still cooking as Jack entered.

“Food will be ready soon. Sam is getting dressed” Zack told him.

“Don’t. hurt. Her” Jack warned. His voice sounded like a threat.

Zack turned to face Jack. Who was towering over him.

“I would never ever hurt her” Zack growled.

“You better not” Jack muttered. 

“Why does it matter to you?” 

“Don’t. hurt. Her” Jack repeated before leaving the room.

Zack stood there. He knew something was up. The way Jack looked at Samantha. How crazy Jack was when she came up missing. Jealousy burned in Jack when he sat down in the couch.

Jealousy wasn’t an emotion he had had before.

(Samantha’s POV)

(One month later)

I’ve been thinking a lot about my issues. 1) I’m going to have a baby soon. Well more like six months.

2) I feel unsafe. I need to have some sort of self defense just in case.

3) Zack. I think I’m falling for him. But at the worst of times. When we are in danger.

I trotted downstairs to have a talk with the guys.  

“Hey. Can we have a meeting?” I asked them. They were sitting on the couch watching a movie.

“Sure” Zack nodded. 

“Okay. So.. I need some self defense. Maybe you guys can teach me how to defend myself” I told them.

“Samantha. We’ll always be by you. You don’t need to know how to defend yourself. We’ll be there” Zack told me. Rubbing his now brown eyes. 

“I’ll teach you” Jack announced.

“No. she’s six months pregnant! Its not good for her” 

“Would you rather me be helpless?” 

“Like I said. I will always be close” Zack said to me slowly.

I scowled at him. Then looked at Jack.

“Teach me” 

Zack couldn’t stop us. Even though I could tell he wanted to. 

Horrifying New Start (Book I)Where stories live. Discover now