Chapter 3: Asking For Flowers

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Alex and Spike laugh as Wordy runs on the treadmill while watching soap operas on the TV. Greg walks in with a confused look on his face as he gets on on the bicycle. Spike quietly gets up and walks behind Wordy, stepping closer and closer. "You do! You've woken my soul" Spike shouts loudly casing Wordy to lose his balance but quickly catch himself.

Alex burst out laughing and so does Spike as Wordy stands there staring at them both annoyed. "Wordy, this is the SRU. You can't be watching Lady in Waiting" Greg explains.
"It's a good movie. It's hysterical" Wordy admits. Eddie walks towards the weights with a shocked look on his face as Spike walks back over and sits next to Alex.
"Wow" Eddie laughs.
"I've got four woman living in my house, alright. Anything that helps me get closer to Shelly and my girls, I'm there. If this is what their watching, I want to know about it" Wordy explains.
"I think you need to shoot something" Alex admits, causing everyone to laugh.
"Well ask your father, Alex. He's the one that recognized the quote" Wordy argues jokingly.
"Oh!" Alex and Spike both yell as they get up and high five Wordy.

Greg looks towards the TV and smirks. "It's on freaking pay per view every hour, on the hour, alright" Greg explains loudly.
"Well, maybe me and you should sit down and watch it together. Compare our favorite scenes. I can braid your hair" Wordy laughs. Alex and Spike look over at Greg and snicker.
"That's tricky business" Alex smiles.
"Oh, not really. I do it for Ally all the time. She's got less hair then these two" Wordy admits talking about Greg and Eddie.
"Don't see how that's possible. Both these guys are bald" Spike laughs.
"Okay, bring it. Come on" Greg challenges, causing everyone to laugh.

After work outs, Team One heads to the locker rooms and showers up. They all then get into uniform and get ready for the busy day ahead. As Wordy gets dressed, Eddie puts on his boots and looks up at him with a smile. "Do you really sit around and watch those sappy movies with you kids or what?" Eddie asks. Wordy looks over at him and snickers.
"Yeah. I got girls. It's different right? You got a boy" Wordy explains. Eddie nods his head and ties up his other boot.
"Yeah. I know. It's just that... He's a good kid, a great kid. It's just awkward. You know, I love rock music, he plays the cello. Loves basketball, hates hockey. Last week he came home, big fat lip. Won't tell me what happen, right? Turns out this kid at school, they had a hassle and he told the teacher. Kid waited for him after school. What are you going to do?" Eddie sighs as he turns back towards his locker.

"Well, what are you going to do?" Wordy asks curiously.
"I don't know. Soph wants to go to the school and we will talk to him" Eddie explains frustrated.
"Well then go to the school and talk, then. Find out what's going on" Wordy answers.
"No, it will just make it worse. Clarke needs to stand up on his own... His own two feet" Eddie explains. Wordy looks over at Ed confused.
"He's thirteen years old" Wordy snickers.
"Exactly" Eddie says.
"Well no wonder he doesn't want to talk to you about it" Wordy mentions.
"You know what Wordy, you've got three girls, so..." Eddie says as he pretends to zip his mouth shut.
"Oh yeah, three girls. Real walk in the park, they never do anything wrong" Wordy argues. Eddie then quickly turns around and faces Wordy.
"You know what, whatever. Okay. Forget it" Eddie snaps as he slams his locker and walks out of the locker room.
"Oh, yeah. That's mature" Wordy says quietly as he watches Ed leave.

Alex walks behind Greg into the briefing room and sees him look over into the lobby. "Hey!" Greg shouts and then whistles, causing Spike to come running away from team three.
"You planning on switching Spike?" Alex jokes.
"Never" Spike admits as he sits down in one of the chairs around the table.
"Okay, team. Haven't gotten any calls yet, but tonight there is going to be a full moon" Greg explains.
"So?" Sam questions.
"So, full moons, they make people crazy. Proven fact" Alex explains.
"So, we will call tonight...Patrol night" Greg smiles.

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