Chapter 8: Planets Aligned

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Alex walks into headquarters feeling stronger and ready to go. "Good morning, sunshine" Greg smiles. "Good morning, dad" Alex snickers as she leans in and kisses him on the cheek. "How you feeling today?" he asks as Sally hands him a file of papers to sign. "I feel like I can do anything" Alex admits. "Well that good" Norm's voice states as Greg and Alex quickly look back at him. "Norm. What are you doing here?" Greg asks confused. "I will explain it, once. Just get your team to gather in the briefing room in five minutes" Norm explains as he then walk away. "I guess I better go change than, huh?" Alex smiles and quickly walks towards the locker room.

Greg looks back at Sally and she then hands him an envelope. He looks down at it and sighs as he reads the big letters across the front. 'Return to sender'. "Everything okay?" Sally asks concerned. "Yeah. Yeah, everything's fine. Just...just the way it always is" Greg answers.

A few minutes later, Team One gathers in the briefing room and sits around the table as Greg, Alex, and Norm all stand at the front. "What's this about?" Eddie questions as he is the last to walk in. "Okay, since you're all here, I want to congratulate Officer Parker, right here" Norm states as he looks down at Alex and gives her a pat on the back. "Me? For what?" Alex asks confused. "For becoming SRU's youngest, second...Sergeant" Norm smiles as he places a pin on Alex's uniform. "What!?" Alex questions shocked.

"Your Team here, took a vote. They could have picked anyone, but they choose you" Norm explains. Team One quickly stands up and cheers as they walk towards Alex. "You deserve it. You know everything Greg knows. Which made you perfect for the job" Eddie announces. A big grin appears on Alex's face and she quickly wraps her arms around Eddie. "Congrats, Kiddo" he whispers.


Later, Alex walks through the hallways behind the locker rooms, and suddenly she quickly gets pulled into a storage closet. She turns around quickly and sees Spike standing there smiling. "A storage closet?" Alex laughs as she looks around the small room. "Hey! Don't judge" Spike smiles. "I'm not judging" Alex answers quickly as she steps towards Spike. "You're judging" he advises as he places a hand on Alex's cheek. "I'm so, judging" Alex whispers as she then leans in and kisses Spike gracefully.

She moves her hands up behind his head and starts to run her fingers through his hair as he pulls her in closer to him, closing the gap between them. "Team One, gear up! Gear up!" Sally's voice quickly says as the alarm echoes through the building. Alex and Spike look up at each other and smile. "How dare she" Spike snickers as he opens the door and runs out, followed by Alex seconds later.

Alex climbs in the driver's seat of her SUV and Eddie quickly jumps in next to her. "We have a sighting of missing child, Lilly Deacon, traveling in a car license plate: Romeo-One-Bravo-Uniform-Four-Hotel-Eight. Registered to a Gerald Duglin, 60 Red Brick Lane, East Scarborough" Sally continues as Alex quickly drives out of the garage following behind Spike and Lou.

Alex follows behind quickly as Eddie looks over at her. "First day as Team One's second Sargent. You excited?" Eddie questions. "I would be, if I knew what my job was" Alex laughs. "You are in charge of Team One and what they do, Alex. If I'm not able to make it into work one day, then you become the Sergeant of the Team until I come back. But today, you and me will both be in charge. You on the field with the team, and I in the truck" Greg answers through the headset.

"Team One, Child Services have been notified and they're standing by; uniform units are en route to secure the perimeter" Sally's voice explains quickly. "Copy that. Advise those units to use radio code only. Media will be on their scanners, and this girl's been going through enough without all that" Alex states. "Copy" Sally agrees. Alex then looks over at Eddie quickly and then back out the front. "This guy's been driving all night. Lilly Deacon was abducted, what? 500 miles north of here" she explains.

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