Chapter 6: He Knows His Brother

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Alex walks through the briefing room and towards the weapons room as she hears the loud noise of someone dumping a box of bullets. She then walks in she spots Sam sitting back in a chair while Eddie mops the floor and the rest of the team organizes and sorts the the weapons. "Comfy there, Samo?" Alex laughs as she pats Sam on the back. "I'm very comfortable, Alex" Sam states as he holds up his coffee cup.

Alex turns around and notices Eddie staring at them. "Get you some more coffee?" he asks sarcastically. "All good, sir, but thank you for asking" Sam smiles as he looks back down at the paper in his hand. "What are you doing here, anyway?" Jules questions as she cleans one of the guns. "Cause you just had to bring it up?" Wordy asks sarcastically.

Alex looks back up at Wordy and smiles. "Play nice, Mr. Wordsworth" she states cheerfully. "Well, Constable Callaghan, that would be because yesterday, I got..." Sam begins as he looks back towards Team One. "Tightest grouping at both long range and short range firearm practice" he says and everyone mumbles as they continue to do their jobs. "Meaning you get to do monthly cleanup, and I get to do this...Missed a spot there, Ed" Sam explains. "Yeah, whatever" Eddie whispers.

Alex leans against the lockers and laughs. "Actually, what I meant is, why are you down here? Why aren't you upstairs training, you know, at something dangerous and exciting?" Jules questions as Sam flips the page in the paper. Suddenly, he has a look of worry and upset in his eyes as he leans forward shocked about what he sees. "Sam, everything okay?" Alex asks as Sam stands up and places the paper on his seat. "Yeah, I-I just gotta...go do something" Sam sighs as he walks away quickly out of the weapons room.

Alex walks over and picks up the paper as Eddie leans over her shoulder curious. 'Final Homecoming for Three Heros' caught Alex's eyes immediately. She looks up at Eddie concerned.

Sam takes out his phone once he's away from the team, dials a number and holds it up to his ear. "Hello?" a voice questions. "Jay, it's Braddock" Sam says as he begins to pace back and forth in the the empty briefing room. "Sam, the hell time is it?" Jay asks, sounding tired. "0600, soldier. You out of special forces now or what?" Sam questions. "No, no, uh In-between tours. Back to the sand in a week. You?" Jay advises. "Police Force" Sam admits. "Got tired of working for a living, huh?" Jay chuckles. "Yeah I guess" Sam smiles.

Sam takes a deep breath and looks down to the ground. "So, Dave Haverlik You hear? Anyways, figure I'll go up on the highway tonight" Sam sighs. "You will?" Jay questions confused. "Died in the field, didn't he?" Sam asks quickly. "He wasn't in the field; he was at camp" Jay states. "They hit the camp?" Sam questions shocked. "Come on, man. You gonna make me say it?" Jay asks and Sam stays quiet. "Alright, Chris Geordie found him. Own sidearm and everything. I just know I ain't going up there. Just like we said, right?" Jay continues. "Right" Sam whispers.


Alex sits on the roof of headquarters and watches as the sky slowly begins to get brighter as the sun starts to rise. "I knew you would be up here" Spike's cheerful voice admits. Alex turns around and smiles as he walk over and sits next to her. "I just love watching both sunrise and sunset when I can. It so beautiful, and relaxing" Alex explains. "It is beautiful" Spike agrees as he turns and looks at Alex. "Just like you." Alex snickers and leans her head down on Spike's shoulder.

After watching the sunrise with Spike, Alex walks into the lobby and notices Sam walk past her. "So, I saw the paper. Is that guy from your team? Brave guys" Alex starts, but Sam ignores her. Alex takes Sam's arm and stops him from walking. "Sam. Did I miss something?" she questions. Sam sighs and looks down to the ground. "He wasn't brave. He did it himself" Sam admits. Alex lets go of his arm slowly and takes a breath. "I'm sorry...Were you two close?" Alex asks. "Spend enough time, think you know someone And you had no idea, huh?" Sam argues as he looks up at Alex with a serious look in his eyes. "I'm just trying to help, Sam" Alex admits.

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