《chapter 10》

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[jungkook's pov]

i stared at jimin, rage seeping through every inch of my body. his frail frame stood quivering, fingertips shaking against the clothes that he wore. i stepped forwards, hearing a quiet whimper leave his lips. the small noise threw me off slightly, but i shrugged it off, lifting the bag of food and placing it onto the table. the atmosphere was thick with nerves and anger, mixed with the bitter twinge of fear and sadness. silence settled atop of all of the emotions, my eyes averted to the floor and the shuffling of small feet as jimin seemed to move closer towards me.

"j-jungkook i'm-," he started, making me lift my head to make eye contact with his tear stained eyes, the pink and red hues standing out from his skin which seemed paler than before. i grunted, brushing him off immediately. his gaze averted to my hand that was wrapped around the bag's handles, before he sniffed and wiped away any stray tears that had dropped onto the swollen, pink skin below his eyes. nibbling his lower lip, he dug into his pocket, the jingling of keys resonating in the room. jimin kneeled down, wordlessly unfurling my fist. he placed the keys in the palm of my hand, smiling sadly, before his vacant eyes met mine. brushing his hair back, he took out the blue clip in his hair and placed it onto the coffee table.

"tell junghyun i'm not going to be here for a while," he whispered softly, his breath weightlessly settling in the room. my eyes widened, lips parted to say something, but the right words weren't fitting together coherently in my brain. jimin glanced at me, tears now freely running down his plump cheeks, cold laugh leaving his full lips,

"it was my fault," he cried, eyes screwing shut and pained inhalation hitting the back of his throat. "i'm sorry... t-to the both of you."

"jimin wait - hey! jimin!" i tried, before he had sprinted to the front door, slamming it shut before i could reach him. my foot hit the door forcefully, a low groan emitting through my throat as i weakly punched the front door. 

"fucking hell."

[junghyun's pov]

lights were dim as i pulled up into the car park beside the small park. i sighed deeply, turning off the engine and holding the keys in my hand. pulling the handle, i pushed the light door open and closed it softly, making sure to not disrupt the silence that hung thickly around the area. locking my car, i began to wander along the old pathway, smiling sadly as the memories washed over me.


"junghyun... my name is junghyun. can i ask what yours is?"

"ah, me? uh - hold on a second sir i'll be there with your drink!" he said to the old man that was sat beneath the small parasol by the beverage van. the younger boy quickly popped over the counter to retrieve the small cup with the black coffee from the man managing the drinks. his smile widened as he placed the order on top of the small fold away table, bowing shyly at the man.

"thank you jimin. here, a tip from me," the old man uttered softly, placing a few more coins into the younger's smaller, chubbier hands. the boy smiled, brushing his hair behind his ear. 

"thank you!" he said, smiling widely. as he raised his head, our gazes met and he immediately hurried over, grin still plastered on his bright and lively face. 

"jimin. my name is... is jimin!"

i glanced over to the now empty space, reminiscing the first time me and jimin had met. the bright expression i came to fall in love with, the sweet eyes that only settled upon me. his heart that used to beat beneath my fingertips... now beat for none other than my brother.

sadness welled up inside me, tightness choking and constricting my throat, breathing becoming difficult. i stopped, hands sinking into my pockets as i breathlessly gazed up to the sky. clouds ripped through the beautiful settled sky, pinks and oranges of the setting sun kissing the earlier grey expanse. gold rivulets of sunlight shone and peeked behind some angry grey clouds, filling the sky with vibrant shocks of brightness. cutting through the calm silence, my phone blared out. taking it out of my pocket, i raised my eyebrow to find jungkook's name lining the phone screen. huffing, i refused to pick up, placing the phone back to where it initially was. 

after standing for a few more minutes, i recognised the small park bench, heart throbbing at the most heart warming memory i ever had.


"ah jimin, sorry i'm late, the company meeting had gone long over the time schedule and-," i started, before a sweet giggle permeated my flustered explanation. jimin was wrapped up in a soft, warm scarf. his nose had been stained a light pink, my heart immediately lurching with guilt as i had made him wait in the freezing cold. 

"jimin! you look so cold, let me buy you a drink," i tried, tugging him towards the direction of the stores, but his legs didn't responf, making me turn to face him.


and his lips met mine.

again, my phone disrupted my thoughts. 

another call from jungkook.

i decided to pick it up, lips pursed and waiting for him to talk first, before hearing his voice hitch in panic. 

"jungkook? jungkook what's wrong?"

"jimin... jimin's..."

"what happened to jimin?! spit it out!"




"jimin left."

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