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Hey what's up guys it's ya boi... It's ya girl Winter here! I was wondering if you guys wanted me to write a sequel of this story.

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But as you can see, I have a few other stories I'm working on😅

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But as you can see, I have a few other stories I'm working on😅.
I have almost the while story in one chapter for most of them and I'm not sure what to upload first, ya know? So I'm asking you guys what you want to read first.

1) The ring: this story is based on the Horror movie but I put a few other twists to it. It's about a girl named Winter and her friend Nathan. They both got cursed by a- you know... I'll let you find out about it if you don't know the movie😂😂

2) The loop is changing this us a Miniladd x reader about you (y/n) and the Vanosscrew in a bewitched house. Everyday is the same but also different. I almost fucked up because I confused myself while writing so be careful.

3) I like ice cream, ya know a Gray x reader. This will be my second Fairy tail one and it's based on one of my dreams😂😂 there is an old proficy about two people who are eachothers complete opposite and they need to save Fiore.

4)The one who stole my heart: A Terroriser x reader. Brian needs love people!!! He has like 0 x reader books on this app and I'm here to change that. My little Irish potato needs more attention, who's with me?❤❤ #loveforBrian

5)I choose you: an N x reader. Based on the game pokemin White and Black. N is cute so that's all I can say😂😂😂

6)My 13 reasons why: I think I've told some if you guys about TheNamesFrosch so this her story but I'm helping her so if this story got the most votes then you shiuld check out her account. I'm not sure if she'll post it soon but hey, we can ask, right?

7)What are we?: a Vanossgaming x reader. You are a superhero and pritect the city from the villian Night owl... Little did you know the face behind the mask was very close to you.

8)My sweet dumbass: I_AM_Wildcat x reader because Tyler is bae❤❤😂
Ain't saying much about it now

9)Vanoss crew one shots: this was uploaded before but I didn't pay much attention to it so if you want me to keep 'er going lemme know and I'll work on it.

10) Foxy x reader: also based on a dream I once had about the Five Nights At Freddy's game that was a huge trend. It will be a short story since I didn't remember a lot of the dream but I'll still make a story of it. Now come to think of it I might change it into a Fnaf x reader oneshits if you guys want that...

Those are all my drafts... It's up to you guys but if you want another book like A black butler x reader or something, just let me know and I hope I'll be able to make you guys happy! I take requests so please let me know what you guys think and vote for the story you want to see first.

I hope to see you guys soon in the next story.

Peace out guys💚🌹

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