Drake? Drake.

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I woke to the pounding sound still ringing in my ears, giving me the worst headache possible. I didn't want to open my eyes, I already felt dizzy enough. My breathing was heavy, I felt like my lungs were burning, full of some toxic acid. How long had I been unconscious for? No more blasting music was playing, so I assumed that the party had long been over. The creak of a door screeched; I wasn't alone. There were faint murmurs whispered through the room. A man and woman. I recognised the voices, but couldn't link the voice to a face. "I think she's waking up". The deep voice came closer to me. "Don't get too close, if she wakes then she'll be even more creeped out". That voice was sharp, manipulative, as if she was in control of the man. But what would I be creeped out about?

Too scared to open my eyes, I decided it was best to pretend I was still unconscious. At first I assumed I was at home or the hospital, but the smells of this room were sour and tasteless. I could feel the warm breath of the man on my neck. "She's awake, turn the machine off". Was I hooked onto a machine? I was too curious after this point to keep my eyes closed.

Slowly lifting my eyelids open, the room briefly came to sight. I was laying on a simple, hard, hospital-like bed cramped between the walls. Nothing else was in the room, no machine to be seen. The room itself was fairly dark, as there was no windows or lamps in my range of sight. Stood to the side of my bed was Jason. It was kind of him to take me somewhere safe.

Jason: Good Morning Sleeping Beauty. Have a nice trip?

His lips curled as he said it, moving into a sly grin. Was he being sarcastic?

Avery: Where am I?

In walked someone else, the girl. However, I didn't recognise her.

Girl: You, my dear are in a safe, safe place

She would've convinced me if she didn't say it with such a sarcastic tone.

Avery: Do I know you?

Girl: Well of course you know me, we're practically related.

After staring at her for some time, I finally saw it. She was my dads other daughter. With her fairly pointy nose and brown eyes, she looked almost identical to my father. Before my parents got together, my dad was with another woman. She got pregnant and my dad ran away in fear. I only got told about her a few years ago. Thankfully, we looked nothing alike as I had my mums genes.

Avery: How do you know about me? My dad left you before you were born.

Jason shot me a daring look.

Girl: Well you figured it out sooner than I thought. The names Ellis. Ellis Drake.

I was too shocked by her last name to say anything. She could detect my awkwardness.

Ellis: Yes, I know what you're thinking... why did I take the name Drake? Drake. There's so much history to that surname, more than you think. Me and my mother never got on. Two years back she threw me out and told me never to come back, that I wasn't any daughter of hers, and that I was a big mistake anyway.

Jason: Me and her met at one of my parties. I took her in.

Ellis: I hadn't even been to Rosewood before, never even heard of it. I was headed for Philadelphia, and was just passing through Pennsylvania when I heard a rocking party. Of course, I just lied and said I was some guys friend.

Jason: We partied all night. She told me all about herself and I felt bad for her so I let her stay in the spare bedroom.

Avery: Does Alison know about this?

Ellis: Me and Alison are really close! Didn't she tell you?

This really wound me up. Surely Alison would've caught her last name. If so, why didn't she tell me that she's got a girl staying at her house with the same last name as me? Or in fact, if she had a girl staying at her house at all!? I thought me and Ali were close.

Avery: I don't understand. Why wouldn't she tell me?

Ellis: Because she's a loyal friend Avery... I've known her a lot longer than you have. When you became friends with Alison, that's how I found out about you. And our family heritage.

She did some suspicious wink, like one that would be performed playing a game of "Wink, wink murder". Jason was sat back, enjoying the conversation.

Avery: Why are you so obsessed with my last name. What's so great about it?

She looked disappointed. But with a sharper tone she shot back.

Ellis: First of all its ours. Secondly our destiny as a Drake is in our control. Mary left it down to us. The youngest generation so far.

Avery: Who's Mary? I'm so confused. What destiny?


She stared at me in disapproval, waiting for an answer. When she got no answer, she continued speaking.

Ellis: Our destiny of continuing the game. Nobody knows about Mary, Jessica Dilaurentis' twin sister. She went off the map years ago, if you know what I mean. Back in her day, she would manipulate everyone, get them to do her bidding. But do you know what the best part was?

Scared to speak, I just shook my head.

Ellis: Nobody knew it was her...

I went to speak but she stopped me.

Ellis: She was legendary. Stupid Veronica Hastings threatened to destroy her case after the cops suspected what she did.

Avery: What did she do?

Ellis: She trapped the people she was torturing in an underground bunker.

Creepily, she seemed really excited telling this story.

Ellis: Anyway, you, me and our cousin are going to continue where she left off. I know you probably wouldn't want to, and that's why you are staying here. We're going to be roomies!

Avery: Jason? You can't let her keep me here!

Jason: Sorry Avery, I don't really know you. I'm Ellis' spy anyway, so I will be working with you.

Avery: Which cousin? I have loads, and I know for a fact none of them would agree to this sick game.

Ellis: Alex.

Since when did I have a cousin called Alex? Going through a list of all of my cousins names, I finally remembered her. She was roughly the same age as me, perhaps a year older. We used to be really close when we were younger, and would always play at family meetups. When she was six, her parents and her moved to England for work reasons, and I haven't seen her since.

A familiar voice entered the room. But it wasn't as familiar as it should have been. It now had an English twang. Her walk was almost the same, just as casual and sassy.

"Should I consider this as a welcome home party?"

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