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as i flopped into my bed after i finally arrived home, a note sat waiting for me,

finally resolving pent up daddy issues i see.
xoxo, H

why in this whole wide world is this psychotic man speaking to me and why must i be so infatuated with him?

i spent the night tossing and turning in my sleep, and i wanted nothing more to be held by the same smell i missed, i wanted my father and i felt like a small girl with this need, but i missed out on it most of my life. i craved the attention and i craved his presence like a lost puppy.

"pssst. wake up" a voice startled me awake.

"i swear to fucking god" i mumble into my pillow.

"say that again and ill bend that pretty little ass i see over" i could hear the smirk laced in his menacing voice.

"what do you want?" sleep laced in my voice as i whined.

"get up and pack, we're going away for awhile." he smiled.

"you're a murderer and my life is just starting to work out, i'm not going anywhere at 4 in the morning with you." i laughed throwing myself into the bed.

"i'm packing your bag and i already typed out a note for peggy, saying you need some space to think and are going on a couple day trip." he grabbed a bag and started aimlessly throwing in clothes.

"i don't even know you." i whispered.

"all the better pretty thing" he winked and i know i should run, i know i should hide but the pools of green held me captive, drowning me in questions. i may be crazy, i may be insane, but i didn't want to stay.

i got up and searched for a pair of pants,
"that's what i thought" he smiled.

i sat in the front seat of a beaten down pickup truck to god knows where, and i slept peacefully, i felt free.

i woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, in clothes that weren't mine to the small humming coming from the shower in the room next to me.

i crept out of bed and decided to look around, i made my way through all of the rooms and found myself sitting on a swing on the back porch, overlooking nothing but trees.

"madeline!" a distant voice called from inside the house.

"madeline, i swear to fucking god" he healed louder.

i went to get up walking to the door as it bursted open, "there you are!" he pointed in my face as if i was a small child.

"you answer when called" he said sternly, guiding me inside.

"i'm surprised you didn't run" he said.

"i had no reason to leave" i whispered.

"you know technically i kidnapped you."

"i didn't put up a fight"

"i murdered your boyfriend, i don't know if i would put up a fight either." he rolled his eyes leading me into the kitchen.

"what do you want to eat?" he smiled.

"oh i'm really not hungry, but thanks" i smiled.

"madeline, look, i'm fixing you. that means three meals a day and not hours spent isolated."

"i don't need fixing."

"maybe not, but you do need compassion."

"how compassionate can you be, you kill people." i rolled my eyes and he grabbed my face in his hand fast,

"i'm doing you a fucking favor, be grateful brat" he snarled and his eyes held anger.

"i don't want to be fucking helped, i'm not a charity case" i got right back in his face and he embraced me tightly.

and i smelt it, cologne and cigarettes.

Picasso // h.s.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن