Chapter 4: Sister

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The pounding of her headache became more intense as Anna woke up taking in a large gasp of air to refill her lungs. She was sitting in a wooden room, tied to a wheelchair. Freaking out, she tried to break the restraints, but the knots were expertly tied.


She cried out expecting the boys to hear her, but nobody came. She was utterly alone, not sure where she was or how she got there. The room was pitch black not giving her anyway to see anything as the sound of a heavy door screeched open in the corner. While the sudden glow of a dancing orange flame attempted to cut through the darkness of the room.

"Hello, who are you? Where am I?"

The words disappeared into the darkness as the flame came closer and closer, until stopping and was placed down on a wooden table in the corner of the room. The sound of light footsteps continued to approach Anna until she felt tiny hands wrap around her arm.


"It's me, momma. I'm taking care of you."

"Momma, but I don't have a kid."

"You're silly Mommy. I'm right here."

As if the flame was connected to the voice, the light it gave off glowed even brighter now as it illuminated the entire room. It was an attic type room with large boarded up windows across from Anna, in the far corner, was the three bags of money, and to her left. The little girl.

Her smile was ecstatic and playful as she looked up at Anna from the side of the wheelchair. The initial sight of the girl scared the hell out of Anna as she now had a closer look. In a way it was like she was a hologram, the little girl's body seemed to flicker giving off different appearances. One was her in the yellow summer dress, and the pigtails that the group had seen her with earlier, the other form was by far more demonic.

The girl's image shifted as the side of her head appeared utterly rotted away, with her skull visibly protruding out of her skin. Half of her face was intact, while only the part below her eye socket still had a flesh-like exterior, and it allowed Anna to see the little girls eyeball moving around in its cavity.

"What the hell are you?"

"Mommy, It's me Emily."

"Get away from me."

Not sure what she expected, Anna tried to move in the chair only to have it resist her. Emily's smile turned into a frown as she looked at Anna suffering to get free.

"Don't you like it here?"

"What did you do to my friends?"

"Friends?" Emily's face seemed confused by the question. "What friends?"

"The two guys I was with."

"Mommy, they aren't your friends, I saved you from them."

"What are you talking about?"

"Like you said, Mommy, you'd never let anyone hurt me," Emily said innocently before her voice turned into a raspy growl. "And I won't let them hurt you."

The demonic sound infected Anna's brain ringing over and over again as her headache evolved into a migraine as the accident became visible in her mind. She looked down to her once blood-soaked, glass wounded hands only to see that they were in perfect condition, not even a speck of glass was in near sight.

"Wait did you save me?"

Emily acknowledged the question seeming to have an answer as something caught her off guard. Her head spun a perfect one-eighty as she looked at the door, that she had entered from.

"I'll get that Mommy."

Emily walked back to the door, as Anna sat there, apparently not hearing what the little girl had. She watched as the door squealed shut behind Emily before struggling again to get out of the wheelchair. Using every limb, and putting as much force into it as she could, she finally broke through the old rope and started untying the rest, until she was finally free.

Immediately she hurried to the door to try and get free, but it was locked from the other side, there was no escape. Feeling her gut wrench in pain, she walked over to the table that Emily had put the tray on and looked at the food. Expecting a basic meal any seven-year-old kid could make, she was repulsed at the sight of what awaited her on the dish.

The food was ironically in the darkest part of the room, even though the candle was right beside it, making it hard for Anna to get a clear look. She lowered a hand to it, as a mucus-like substance graced her fingertips. As quickly as she could, Anna retracted her hand in fear as what appeared to be a white worm crawled over the fleshy source. A moment later the putrid smell hit her like a truck, practically gassing her as she stumbled back.

Coughing up the scent, Emily ran into the room frantically, slamming the door behind her and stared at Anna with fear in her eyes. Not even a moment later the door started to shake and push Emily forward, as she would run back to hold it again. This went on time after time again until Emily could no longer brace it and she flew across the room landing beside Anna. With little strength, she crawled over and clung to Anna's arm.

"Mommy, Save me."

"What? From who?"


As if on cue, something grabbed Emily and pried her off of Anna's arm throwing her across the room. The little girl's body bounced off of the wall before floating up into the air, seemingly being choked by an invisible force.


The little girl struggled to breathe as her head began to violently jerk back again and again as her exposed eye popped out of the socket. Anna laid there watching as she opened her mouth and screamed in fear as Emily's body fell to the ground. On the other side of the room, the door slammed shut, and Emily crawled her way back to Anna while dragging her stomach.

Anna couldn't speak for the life of her, as she looked at the grotesque girl, who was now listening to her stomach rumble.

"Are you okay, Emily?"

"Yes, now that you're here."

The girl lifted her head a little and pushed her eye back into the socket, before placing her head back down on Anna's belly.

"Was that you're daddy that hurt you?"

"Yes, but I don't want him to hurt you?"


" need to take care of sissy."


Emily rubbed Anna's stomach. Her head bouncing up ever so slightly until she finally raised her head away from Anna's stomach again.

"I like when she kicks, but she sounds hungry. You should eat something, or she might eat you."

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