chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Everything was too loud. There was an annoying beeping noise bleeping every second next to my ear. Hushed murmurs surrounded me. I struggled to open my eyes but they wouldn't open.

"She's regaining conscious!" someone yelled.

Someone grabbed my hand and I felt small wet droplets fall on my arm. Tears. They were crying. I mentally laughed, why would they be crying? Struggling for a few seconds, my eyes finally gave in and opened.

The bright white walls made me cringe. There were small clear tubes attached to my arm and a clear liquid was pumped through it.

"Honey, are you okay?" I looked over to the side and saw my mom clutching my hand tightly.

Giving her a look of pure confusion I asked."Why am I in the hospital?"

"Honey, you were walking up the stairs and completely blacked out. You hit your head on the stairs. You were out for three days!" She said.

I chuckled."Why would I black out on the stairs? I never fainted before."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion."Sweetheart, what are you tailing about? You blacked out-"

The nurse rushed in and tapped my mom on her shoulder, cutting her off. The nurse whispered a few hushed words in her ear before rushing back out.

My mother looked flustered and she hastily excused herself."Wait, I have to talk to the doctor very quickly."

She rushed out the door, closing it softly behind.



Melony's Mom P.O.V.

I hurried out of her room and approached the doctor. He was writing furiously on his clipboard and didn't even notice that I was there. He looked up with a frown on his far as I cleared my throat.

"Is it good or bad news?" I asked nervously.

He smiled sympathetically at me."I'm afraid that it is bad news."

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach and all color drained out of my face. He immediately noticed my paleness and told me to sit down.

"Melony has been shot by a bullet coated with poison, as I have been informed. Correct me if I'm wrong."

I shook my head numbly and he continued."The poison has spread throughout her body but most of it has traveled to her brain. That is why she has so many headaches. When she fell down that day, she hit the spot where all the poison was. The poison then immediately spread throughout her brain. She then had also caught onto a high fever and the heat from the fever made the poison finally trigger."

My hand shook on my lap as tears fell from my eyes."So she still thinks that she just turned sixteen?"

"Yes, but you cannot tell her that she is actually eighteen." He said sternly.

"Why not?"

"Telling her how old she really is will lead to other questions. If she learns about the poison, I scared that it will make her go into a state of shock and it may put her into a coma."

"Then what do I tell her?" I asked, panicked.

"Tell her that she has to find her mate or else she won't be able to shift. Unfortunately for her, she will never be able to shift since her wolf already died from the poison. This will fit perfectly along with the story so she will go look for her mate. No one wants to be stuck not able to shift."

"And what if she doesn't find her mate?"

"She has less than one month to live then." He said sadly.

"Can there be anything to extend her death date?" I asked, my voice thick with tears. What if she never found her mate? My baby would die.

He shook his head sadly."No, nothing. But like her old doctor said before. If she bonds with her mate, she'll most likely be cured."

I got back shakily onto my feet and said a quick thank you before slipping back into her room. I was surprised to see that she wasn't the only one in there.


Melony' P.O.V.

When mother slipped out, I heard another knock on my door.

"Come in." 

A boy with blonde hair stepped in. He was smiling brightly and greeted me cheerfully."Hey! I'm Cole."

I smiled grimly."Hi, I'm Melony."

He stuck out his hand for me to shake but I ignored it. He dropped his hand back down to his side. His bright blue eyes were shining brightly.

"Um, who are you?" I asked rudely.

He didn't seem at all fazed."I found you knocked out on the stairs and brought you here."

Smiling slightly, some of my hostility towards him faded away."Thank you." I laughed lightly."I still don't know why I blacked out. That never happened to me before!"

He seemed slightly confused but he didn't question me.

Then, I heard the door opening again and my mom stepped in. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she was crying.

"I see that you met Cole." Her smile quivered.

I frowned."Why are your eyes red? Where you just crying?" 

She laughed at my comment,"Crying? No, I'm just slightly tired. Thats all."

She turned to face Cole."You can talk to Melony tomorrow at school, can I talk to her privately for a second?"

Cole was at my school? I frowned, I never saw him before. Strange.

Cole waved a quick good bye before exiting. My mom sat down on the bed next to me and gently took my hand into hers.

"Melony, you remember that you turned sixteen just a couple of days ago right?" I nodded as she continued."Well there's some important news that I have to tell you. If you don't find your mate, you can never shift. That is why I transferred you to a new school so you can find your mate."

My hand fell limp in hers."Wait, so if I don't find my mate and bond with him , I can never shift?"

She nodded sadly and took my face in her hands."And that is why you must find your mate. This is very important, trust me on this."

I nodded gravely."I understand."

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