Chapter 6

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If you're reading this story, first of all I would like to say thank you :D

Chapter 5

School had finally ended and I headed out to the parking lot where Cole told me to meet him. I finally spotted him across the parking lot leaning casually against a car, his earphones on.

"Cole!" I called out, jogging towards him out of breath. I bent down trying to catch my breath. Wow, I really need to exercise more.

He pulled off his earphones, his brow furrowing."You okay?"

"Yeah, just out of breath." I easily dismissed it."So what did you tell me to meet you here for?" 

Shrugging, he grabbed me by the hand a goofy smile on his face."Do you want to go for a run?" He tugged on my hand leading me towards his car. Climbing in, I clicked on the buckle.

"What do you mean go for a run?" I asked tensely.

"You know, running?"

Arching a eyebrow, I crossed my arms over my chest."Cause that explains a lot."

He huffed, blowing his bond bangs away from his eyes and backed out of the parking lot."You know. Shifting? Running?"

"Ohh, I knew that." 

Then I saw a dark shape in front of the school. Looking under my eyelashes, I saw that it was Alex-- the guy I bumped into this morning. Although it was hard to see from such a far distance away, it was difficult not to notice the angry look on his face. His fists were clenched at his sides, his pale pink lips pulled down into a angry scowl. Though I had to admit he was still as good looking as ever. Once he noticed me looking at him, his face went empty of emotion and stalked off without a backward glance. I raise an eyebrow in surprise. He still couldn't still be mad at me for bumping into him. . . could he?

Cole glanced at me from the corner of his eyes, a hint of a smile playing on his lips."Of course you did, so how about it?"

I quickly turned my attention back to Cole."I didn't find my mate yet." I mumbled slightly embarrassed.

Furrowing his eyebrows again, he shot me a strange look."So? That doesn't mean you can't go running with me." This time it was my turn to be confused.

"But I didn't find my mate so I can't shift yet." Moms words flashed through my head again. 

"Melony, you remember that you turned sixteen just a couple of days ago right?" I nodded as she continued."Well there's some important news that I have to tell you. If you don't find your mate, you can never shift. That is why I transferred you to a new school so you can find your mate."

My hand fell limp in hers."Wait, so if I don't find my mate and bond with him , I can never shift?"

She nodded sadly and took my face in her hands."And that is why you must find your mate. This is very important, trust me on this."

"But you don't need your mate to shift. You shift exactly at midnight on the day of your sixteenth birthday." I stared out the window, watching the blurring scenery pass before my eyes. That wasn't right. Mom wouldn't lie to me. . . right?

"My mom said that only when you found your mate could you shift."

His frown deepened, his knuckles turning white from clutching the steering wheel so tightly."Why would you she say that? I didn't find y mate yet and I can shift."

My face fell, so she did lie to me? Looking at the car floor crestfallen. Why would she tell me that then? But wait, I'm sixteen and I didn't shift yet. So there was still some chance that she isn't lying.

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