Chapter 8..

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Chapter 8

All I could do was stand there, too shocked to do anything. When I didn’t respond, he cupped his hand behind my neck and pulled me closer. I gasped. I didn’t know why but all I wanted to do was melt into his arms, and that scared me. It truly did.

His hair tickled my forehead and his minty breath fanned my face when he pulled away. His eyes held so much tenderness that it frightened me. But then he blinked and his eyes turned cold again. He shoved me away like I was poison.

“No, I have a girlfriend.”

I don’t know why but when he said those words, it hurt. It felt like my heart was pulled out of my chest, ripped in half, and then thrown back at me. I recoiled back and clutched my chest. He turned his back to me.

“No, Alex wait!”

Without replying or a glance back, he left. Every step he took away from me was like a kick in the gut. There was a rumble and rain started pouring down. It was like a sad scene pulled out of a movie. The guy walks away from the girl and it starts raining.

I didn’t know if it was my tears or just the rain that ran down my cheeks. I didn’t know what had just happened, all I knew was that it hurt. I wasn’t sure when but during sometime, I had sunk to the ground and buried my face in my cold hands. My shoulders shook violently both from the cold and from the crying. All I wanted to do was curl up into a ball and disappear.

Why? Why? Why?

And the funny thing was that I didn’t even know why I was crying. I only talked to him a couple times before. Heck, I only met him this morning.

I don’t know how many minutes or hours passed before my tears ran dry. The rain was still coming down, relentless. After awhile, I didn’t feel the cold anymore. My entire body felt numb. I got to my feet in slow sluggish movements and started walking down the sidewalk in a trance. I had no idea where I was going but I didn’t care at this point.

My long hair stuck to my scalp uncomfortably and then my senses started returning to me. My clothes were absolutely drenched and felt like it weighed a ton more.

I was freezing and I bet that my lips turning blue. I shivered violently and wrapped my arms around myself. A few minutes later, my feet refused to move anymore. I felt so tired and all I wanted to do was lay down and sleep. I tiredly took in my surroundings but everything looked foreign to me.

I didn’t know where I was and didn’t know how to get home. I took shelter under a tree and lay down. Leaning my head against the tree, all I wanted to do was close my eyes.

Resting my eyes won’t kill me. I won’t fall asleep. That’s right, I’m just resting my eyes.

A sense of peacefulness washed over me and I felt myself start to be tugged into the inviting darkness that promised to erase all my pain. Then shouting shattered my thoughts.

“Melony!” they yelled frantically. Warm hands grabbed my numb cheeks. “No, no, no, please don’t be dead.”

Then I blacked out.

~ • ~

Everything hurt. But that wasn’t what stood out to me. No, it was the hollowness in my chest that hurt the most. It felt so empty there, like a piece of me was missing. Alex.

I woke with a cry, my eyes flying open. The room I was in looked completely foreign to me. Clothes were pushed all in one corner, a wooden desk was placed to the left of the bed, and there were posters of bands covering almost every inch of the room. I looked down and saw that I was not wearing my clothes; instead I was wearing a large grey t-shirt.

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