The play (fluff)

875 22 1

Sebastian P.O.V

This is not what I wanted. All of this is not what a wanted at all, but now I can fix this.

"Ah! yOu Don't W@nt t0 dRiNk Seb@sTiaN!!!"

"Why not!"

"Bec@use THen yOu'LL nEvER bE wiTH HiM!!"

I turn around to find........................CIEL!?

"You are the person I want to be with every day~ 

And this is something that I've been afraid to say~"

"That is not Ciel !"

"I @ssURe y0u, it i$ ! OnLy hiS feARs @nd inSEcurITie$ h@ve beEn remOVed!"   

"You're the guy I am so kinda into~

The guy I am totally into~

This feeling is new~

Sebastian I Love You~"

"Th@t'S yOUr cUe".

"He'll do whatever I want"!?

"That's what I promised"!


I walk towards the boy of my dreams and...

"Ciel, drink this".




(Three days later.)

I waited outside the drama club waiting for the guy i'm really into.

"Hey Sebastian".

I turn around to find the guy I'm really into and his into me too.

"Hi Ciel".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This was just for for and yeah i"ll try to update more. 

Also if any of you guys like Frans (sans x frisk from undertale)  or know anyone else that does please go check out my other story. Anyway see you in the next story.


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