part 6

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Hello everyone ,am here with the update .

and guys before you start reading let me warn you i am not responsible if anyone of you will cry while reading this part and guys this is important for the story later i dont want anyone complaining me that how can i do that with nandini if she has to be strong she has to suffer so many things hope you people agree with me and before hand am sorry if i hurt anyone's emotion in this part .

thanks to everyone those who supported and voted for the last update ,plz do shower your love on this story in future also like this

this update is specially dedicated to anvigaurav,vrindakhanna,khushijain,nainitaal,ihsaan28,manikkp,sannaya08, and many others thank you people for supporting mee through this journey 


precap- nandini accepting manik's rejection 

everyone their was shocked as nandini has aready been marked how can she reject him because if she rejects him she will die.

veronica pov- oh wow such a nice step nandini ,you made my work  now let me see who will stop my sister from becoming the luna ,its sure that you will die and i will make sure that i throw you out from the pack and smirks evily 

manik and nandini both faint because as nandini is marked she can feel manik's emotions ,pain everything even his wolf hurting him her body could not bear it as she is already weak she faints manik feels pain in his heart when nandini spoke those words ,cabir dhruv,abhi carry manik to hospital and their mates carry nandini with them james follows them as he has no one other tan nandini 

the pack house is now filled with the pack members only then one of them speaks- i feel bad for nandini ,i think we did to much to her 

another person- ya i think we should tell the alpha the truth and  we should as his forgiveness

vero pov-oh shit i cant let it happen now what shall i do ?yes it is the best plan

vero shouts - are you mad ?that omega bitch deserves that, didnot you see how alpha was fighting with his wolf and how his wolf has  hurt him  ,and feeling pity on her why that alpha has rejected her he has done the best thing  you know how weak she is how can she be a luna it will a weakness to our own pack dont you understand our alpha point of view,do you people want our pack to be destroyed tell guys?and dont you remember when she came in this pack how she killed her parents .do you want your children/pups to be orphan /rouges ?i agree with our alpha's decision and if you go and tell the truth i think he will not forgive you instead he will hang you to deaths??

all the pack members agree with her and say- ya veronic is righ. 

another pack member - but if she has rejected the alpha there are chances for the alpha to die ,what can be done for that ?

veronica - i have a plan if you agree with me 

pack member - tell veronica

vero-how about killing her i mean throw her from the pack before that we can tell that  the witch has done it 

pack girl-its dangerous  and i think its too much  dont kill her veronica 

pack member -yes we agree with that veronica dont kill her just tell her get out of our lives 

vero-ok i will threaten her and tell her to leave the pack

vero pov - stupid people!for my sister  its worth right  ,ok i can torture her and throw her from the pack and for curing we can  call our alpha's grand parents  they are best dont  i remember how they made a dead human alive  ,and for mark i  can use silver we know how effective it is we will torture and throw her outside our boundaries 

all the pack members says -yes we agree with you 

vero -ok now leave all this on me

veronica then goes to manik's room as he has called her manik orders  to eronica something about nandini 

vero pov- oh my god the game is on my side

veronica then goes  to nandini's room sees no one - she wakes up nandini 

nandini slowly gets up  

vero-oh poor baby you know what you deserve this 

nan tears- how is alpha 

vero -none of your buissness you know that the alpha has ordered me to use silver so that we can remove the mark from  your neck 

nan fearingly and tears-please no i will talk to the alpha myself please  do not do this i love him so much 

vero- no then pulls her outside the room and takes her near the mountains in their pack near the cliff  ties her to a tree and says- now who will save you,the alpha himself told me to kill you ,you know even alpha's wolf is disgusted by you how he fell in your trap and harmed his human side ,ok now i want to hear your screams 

nan fears- what 

veronica - this baby and pulls a dagger and stabs her nan shouts - alpha manikkkkkkkkkkk

vero -its so pleasent to hear your shouting but i dont want others to hear this and tapes her mouth 

then takes a branch and hits her head left and right she sees blood is flowing like river she takes some salt in her hands and puts on her wounds nan is moving left and right 

vero -ok now last part after this silver this all is for my sister you bitch and you have to die...

she takes hot oil near to her which she bought with her and  throws on her arms  and opens her tape 

nan shouts-plz leave me i will leave from this pack.i will go away from the alpha 

vero-but the alpha wants you to die so tht he can  mate with my sister

nan tears - what 

vero -yes and pours silver solution on her neck nan gives  a huge growling in the pain the nature is evident for all her pain 

vero takes nandini and throws her from the cliff in the river .

vero -done  


done with the update guys 

if i hurt anyone then plz am sorryyy

if you like the update plz do vote and comment 


next part promo 

nan coldly- am not that nandini whm lunar pack  has rejected 

boy fears- yes nandini 


target -20 votes and 5 comments 

i tried giving a bit long update guys next update on wednesday/thursday because i have to update the other book also hope you guys understand .


take care 

love u all

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