Love Galore | Blanco Women

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The Blanco women.

The Blanco women

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Kylie Blanco

22 years old

Kylie as known as King Ky is the ultimate alpha female. she is known as the bossy leader of her squad, and anyone wanting to speak to a member must get permission from her first. An ultimate survivor from a rough childhood.

Her story.

Winter Blanco

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Winter Blanco

23 years old

This icy blonde is extremely self-assured and proudly speaks her mind. Her confidence allures fans of social media, but intimidates people in person. She loves to turn up and isn't a stranger to relationships with high profile men. 

Sister of Kylie.

Sister of Kylie

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Khloe Blanco

27 years old

This firecracker has a strong reputation for being naughty. Khloe isn't afraid to call people out. Although known to steal other girls' boyfriends, she hasn't had the best luck with men, having suffered through abusive relationships which she blames on her daddy issues. 

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